March 2014

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[info]ex_lilyseyes671 in [info]breathe_family

Thanks and an Apology

My sincere apologies for spamming your flists last night and today, but the good news is that its done! The [info]breathe_family comm is complete and up to date! WooHoo! That includes LJ, IJ and my archive at hpfandom!

I would also like to apologize to anyone who has left comments that have not been answered - I have discovered that if I didn't post the entry, I did not get notification of the comment! I have tried to go back through and answer each comment left on any of the drabbles or ficlets, but if I've missed any, please let me know! This shouldn't be a problem any longer, as I'll update the comm as soon as I have posted any new writing to my journal!

Huge thanks go to [info]chiakidark for her hard work in helping to build the comm - she will continue to post all the new fanart (as I'm still an idiot in that regards!).

Thank you again for your patience - and special thanks to [info]florida_minxie for keeping me sane!

P.S.: Who is going to Portus? I can't wait!


*glomps you* YAY! It's all caught up now. I know that was a LOT of work. But I think you'll like it in the long run. *squishes you* Raise a glass for me tonight, yeah?
I certainly will - now if I could just find a machine that pays...

Yes, I'm glad it is complete and I can start posting new stuff!
hooray! I just love to go back and read over all the drabbles. :) love this universe.

I'll see you for Dessert, or before! I'll be the one with a sketchbook in one hand and a huge green plushie snake draped around my shoulders! (Or maybe a green plushie dragon. I haven't decided. Perhaps I'll bring both and alternate.)

Probably see me before that - I will be the one with the blue laptop in the blue backpack - maybe I'll bring my Hedwig with me!
This is an awesome story as we get to see the life of Harry, Severus, Sevvy and Laurel unfold. I look forward to seeing more!
Thank you!