March 2014

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[info]breathe_series in [info]breathe_family


My first attempt at a drabble, dashed off at work today in honor of Harry's birthday! So, all mistakes are definately mine!
Originally posted: 07/31/2006

Title: Breathe
Author: [info]lilyeyes
Disclaimer: Not mine – just borrowing them to play with
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Warnings: MPreg
Challenge: #16, Conversations with a third party

Breath caught painfully in his chest as he ran; undeniably peace had made him soft. A white obstacle blocked his path.

“Pomfrey…” he gasped. “Potter…broom…”

Eyes narrowed. “I am sorry, no one is allowed…”

“You can not keep me…from my husband, Madam!”

“Husband? When did this happen?” His anger spiked at the incredulous tone.

“Last year, after we defeated Voldemort, we have been together since he finished school.”

“Truly, Severus,” eyes narrowed, “I know he would love deeply, but…”

“He completes me, Poppy,” there was true warmth in the satin voice.

“Excellent, love, both Harry and the baby will fine.”


*omnious omen* Sorry dear, I'm a comment post freak. I post a lot :p haha~ And this is the first comment to the drabbles in this comm and it's just starting... *grin* blame [info]lilyeyes, she said I could post... :p

Severus sure have a gobsmacked surprise look on his face with that announcement, won't he? Aw~ that's the start to a wonderful relationship! Wow!
Indeed I did!

Breathe series

I love this little universe you have created here. Its a very long time to find the first fic i think i clicked on the link for the previous entries almost 10 times.

Anyway, I found your latest entry in snape_potter on LJ and I had never heard of this little verse of yours until today so I thought I better start at the beginning.

How did Harry come off his broom? I love that Severus seems to still be his normal snarky self even if he is madly in love with Harry.

Re: Breathe series



Wow, I have a lot to catch up on! So far though, excellent drabbles!