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Break the Dawn

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[24 Nov 2008|08:52pm]
Who: Marcus and one of the Volturi Guards
What: Giving and receiving of orders
Where: The Volturi castle, Volterra, Italy
When: 24th of November, 2008: Night
Rating: PG-13

Enough was enough. This was getting far too out of hand. )
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[24 Nov 2008|09:27pm]
Who: Rebecca Black and Jacob Black
What: She's brooding about her ex and something else
Where: The Black house
When: 24th of November: Late afternoon
Rating: PG/PG-13

It sucks not to have the answers. )
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[24 Nov 2008|10:25pm]
Who: Quil Ateara, Jacob Black, Evelyn Cortese, Carlisle Cullen, Esme Cullen, & Alison Matthews
NPCs: ---
When: 25th November, 2008
Where: Forks, Washington: Cullen Home
What: The werewolves meet some of the Cullens.
Rating: PG

It didn't look like a lair, but it definitely reeked of vampires. )
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