Breaking Point


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October 17th, 2010



OWLS: Cassandra to Belvina, Regulus, and Katherine

Who: Cassandra Urquhart, Belvina Black, Regulus Black, and Katherine Yaxley
Where: Respective Locations
When: Sunday, 17 October, 2025
Summary: Cassandra doesn't know who is capable of writing or where people are. So, she makes a few inquiries.

To Belvina )

To Regulus )

To Kat )



RP: Caradoc and Felix

Who: Caradoc and Felix Dearborn
Where: Hogwarts
When: October 17 2025
Summary: Caradoc goes to smack some sense into his brother

Promises Promises... )

RP: Rose and Bryn

Who: Rose Granger and Bryn Newton
Where: Hogwarts Hospital Wing
When: October 17, 2025, mid afternoon
Summary: Rose finally wakes up from her injuries

I hurt all over )



RP: Dylan and Dom

Who: Dominique Weasley and Dylan Vaisey
Where: Hogwarts
When: 17 October 2025, evening
Summary: Dom and Dylan talk

At the end of the day )

RP: Caractacus Burke and Peter Pettigrew

Who: Caractacus and Peter
Where: The infirmary
When: Oct. 17th, 2025
Summary: Peter has a visitor

Books are heavy. )



RP: Percy and Auror

Who: Percy and ???
Where: The Ministry
When: Oct. 18th, 2025
Summary: Percy turns himself in.

Read more... )

RP: Andromeda, Caractacus, Regulus

Who: Andromeda, Caractacus, Regulus
When: Evening, 17 October 2025
Where: Hogwarts' Infirmary
Summary: Andromeda is conscious.

and contemplative )

RP: Ted

Who: Ted
When: Afternoon, Sunday, 17 October 2025
Where: St. Mungos, Hogwarts, the Ministry
Summary: Ted is discharged.

and does what needs doing )

RP: Bill and Dom

Who: Bill and Dom
Where: Hogwarts
When: October 17
Summary: Bill goes to see his daughter

Read more )



Burke and Snape

Who: Caractacus Burke, Severus Snape
Where: Hogwarts' Library
When: October 17, 2025 (morning)
Summary: Snape runs across Burke and shares the good news that Al is awake.

Fancy meeting you here... )