Breaking Point


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September 22nd, 2010


RP: Margot and Caradoc

Who: Margot McKinnon and Caradoc Dearborn
Where: Haven
When: September 22, 2025 afternoon
Summary: Margot goes dancing and forgets what day it is

Dance it out )

RP: Greyback

Who: Fenrir Greyback
Where: Nottingham
When: September 22, 2025, during the full
Summary: The wolf has a night of fun, including death, violence, bestiality rape.

By the light of the moon )

RP: Caractacus and Katherine

Who: Caractacus Burke and Katherine Yaxley
Where: The library (where else?)
When: Sept. 22nd, 2025
Summary: Another chance meeting

Somehow the library has become more for meeting people than reading. )



RP: Regulus, Remus

Who: Regulus, Remus
Where: Their room
When: 22/23 September, 2025
Summary: It's not a fluffy evil wolf, but a little caution is still warranted

A fluffy evil wolf? )