Breaking Point


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June 17th, 2010


RP: Bill and Remus

Who: Bill and Remus
Where: Shell Cottage
When: June 17
Summary: Remus comes over to ask Bill some questions

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RP: Alastor and James

Who: Alastor and James
Where: Hogwarts
When: 17 June, 2025
Summary: Alastor asks for advice on how to spin something completely different

You're asking me for advice? )



RP: Lilith and Harry

Who: Lilith and Harry
Where: Azkaban
When: 17 June
Rating/Warnings: N/A
Summary: Harry visits his daughter

There wasn't anything to do. )

RP: Craig and Jacob

Who: Craig Lawson, Jacob Selwynn
Where: Hogwarts Grounds
When: 17 June 2025
Warnings: Language, ?
Summary: Craig is working on cleaning the grounds for the dragons, so is Jacob.

Dragons! )