Breaking Point


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May 30th, 2010


RP: Bill and Severus, Dom and Louis

Who: Bill, Severus, Dom, Louis
Where: Hogwarts
When: May 30
Summary: Bill goes to tell his children, and talk to Snape about bringing them home for a couple of days

Read more... )

RP: Kat and Jacob

Who: Kat and Jacob
Where: Hogsmeade
When: Saturday May 29
Summary: It's Hogsmeade Weekend, and Kat runs into Jacob again

Following me? )

OWL: Bill to Weasleys, Potters and friends

Who: Bill, Weasleys/Potters, Remus, (Tonks), (Delacours)
Where: The sky
When: May 30
Summary: Bill writes to family and friends with the news

To everyone )

Additional ps to Harry )

Additional ps to Charlie )



Owl to Dominique, Victoire and Louis

Who: Audrey, Dominique, Victoire, and Louis
Where: the sky
When: 30 May, 2025
Summary: Audrey sends owls to her nephew and nieces

Owls )

RP: Rose and Hugo

Who: Rose Weasley and Hugo Weasley
Where: Rose's suite
When: May 30, 2025
Summary: Brother and sister talk during times of sorrow

When will it end? )