Breaking Point


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February 2nd, 2010


RP: Rose and Remus

Who: Rose Weasley and Remus Lupin
Where: Hogwarts
When: 2 February, 2025
Rating/Warnings: None at the moment
Summary: Rose goes to see the DADA professor for a refresher course

Extra Practice never hurts )



RP: Regulus, George

Who: Regulus, George
Where: Regulus' office at Hogwarts
When: morning 2 February, 2025
Summary: Regulus tells George about Frederick (he's never going to call him Alex)

What kind of father are you? )

RP: The Secrets of Lord Voldemort, Part Deux

Who: Lord Voldemort, Lily Luna Potter, possibly others
Where: Hogwarts and the skies
When: 2 February, 2025 (morning owl post and then ???)
Summary: Lily Luna visits the Chamber of Secrets.


RP: Hermione, Neville

Who: Hermione and Neville
Where:  Three Broomsticks
When: February 2
Summary:  Neville lends an ear?


RP: Harry and Ginny

Who: Harry and Ginny
Where: Hogwarts
When: February 2
Summary: Harry Does something so drastic as leave after a normal work day, in order to see and talk to his wife.

Read more... )

RP: Dylan and ?

Who: Dylan, anyone at Garden Court
Where: Garden Court
When: February 2
Summary: Dylan isn’t doing too well after witnessing the executions

Read more... )



RP: Alex and George

Who: Alex and George
Where: The Meadows
When: After school
Rating/Warnings: language? It's Alex and his dad...
Summary: Alex comes home to face the music.

Um. Hi. )