Breaking Point


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January 29th, 2010


RP: Darius and Dylan

Who: Dylan Vaisey and Darius Davies
Where: Auror HQ, Ministry
When: January 29 (morning)
Summary: Darius and Dylan talk and work.

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RP: Bella and Voldemort

Who: Bella, Voldemort
Where: A hideout somewhere in England
When: January 29
Summary: Bella has realised something is missing, and she speaks to her Master to catch up on what has been going on.

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RP: Werewolf Attack

Who: Patrick, Ted, Dale, James, Ronan, Dylan, Jazz, Dom, Remus
Where: The clinic
When: 29 January, 2025
Summary: It's the full moon and the pack attacks the clinic

Under the full moon )

Decree for Law Enforcement and Owls

Who: Narcissa, all Aurors, Hit Wizards and Unspeakables
Where: The Ministry
When: morning 29 January, 2025
Summary: Narcissa authorised the use of the Unforgivables

Decree for the Legalisation of the Unforgivables )



RP: Sirius and James

Who: Sirius and James
Where: garden Court
When: Saturday, 30 January 2025
James and Sirius talk some after the full moon.

After the Full )



RP: Regulus, Remus, and Ted

Who: Regulus, Remus, and Ted
Where: Clinic, then Hogwarts
When: 30 January, 2025
Summary: Regulus goes to the clinic to take Remus home.

Let's go home )



RP: Ben, Ronan

Who: Ronan Ben
Where: Garden Court
When: 30 January, 2025 (afternoon?)
Summary: Ben and Ronan deal with the aftermath of the werewolf attack.

Aftermath )



RP: Wren, Hugo

Who: Hugo, Wren
Where: Hogwarts
When: 290 January, 2025 (just after classes)
Summary: Hugo makes sure Wren is okay.

You okay? )



RP: Al, Peter, Scor, Lori, Snape

Who: Al, Peter, Scor, Lori, Snape
Where: Hogwarts, Peter Pettigrew's rooms
When: afternoon, 30 January, 2025
Summary: The Arithmancy Experiment continues...

I found us a new player... )

RP: Michael, Wren

Who: Michael, Wren
Where: Hogwarts
When: 290 January, 2025 (just after Hugo left Wren in the Great Hall)
Summary:  Hugo made her feel safe, Michael is her safe place


RP: Rose and Scor

Who: Rose and Scor
Where: Hogwarts
When: 30 January, 2025 before DnD game
Summary: Rose receives a visit from Scor

This is a Surprise! )