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Monday, March 24th, 2008

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    The Orphan's Tale: In the Night Garden

    I finished a most fascinating book! It's The Orphan's Tale: In the Night Garden by Catherynne M. Valente.


    Current Mood: chipper
    Darkland (science fiction? fantasy?)
    Darkland by Liz Williams - initially, I think I picked this book up because I'd been looking on Amazon at some others by her (the Detective Inspector Chen series, in case you're wondering, which starts with Snake Agent) and was curious as to what else she'd written. I admit that my seeing Liz Williams compared to Ursula Le Guin on the cover blurb got my goat a little, because it smacked a little of token-comparison-to-other-female-sci-fi-writer and Le Guin is probably one of the most famous of those to the more sci fi-oriented amongst us.

    Click here for more )
    Ysabel by Guy Gavriel Kay
    A brilliant and extraordinary book -- Ysabel by Guy Gavriel Kay.

    With Ysabel, GGK returns to contemporary fantasy.  The main protagonist, 15 year old Ned, a Canadian on holiday in Provence in France, stumbles on.... well, it's hard to explain - he stumbles straight into the world of the myths that make history - the myths that have formed history, or are formed by history. 

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