The Love Boat OOC community's Journal
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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in The Love Boat OOC community's InsaneJournal:

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    Thursday, January 7th, 2010
    12:02 pm
    Without new characters or activity requirements, I'm going to have to say goodbye to the Love Boat and withdraw Scorpius, Oliver, Lorcan, and Gellert. The last three were dead weight anywho.

    It's been amazing and I'll miss it. A lot. :(

    For anyone interested in another all-generation game, I'd like to invite everyone to join [info]lockewood! I'd love to play with all of you again and hope to see you there or in other games in the future.

    Peace out.

    Monday, January 4th, 2010
    9:00 am
    Final Mod Post
    Okay, guys, the game's slowed. People are losing interest, unfortunately, and that includes us mods. :( We either don't have time to play, or don't have the energy... or can't seem to... whatever. We suck.

    The game had an incredible run. Over two years of play. We've seen weddings, and pregnancies, and all kinds of wonderful things. We even had a baby! (*pets Esme*)

    But all good things come to an end? Maybe not. The game will stay "open"... for current players to play out their plots and even get new things going, if you want to. We won't be accepting new applications, and there is no posting limit. Mod activity will be minimal.

    The player contact list is still up, and I encourage you to use it. If you want to play here, please feel free to IM other people to ask for scenes.

    You can also post advertisements (no images, please) in the OOC community for your new games, if you want to invite TLB's current members.

    I'm sorry to have to make this post. I was hoping it wouldn't come to this.

    I love you guys dearly, and hope to play with you in the future. I'm probably not going to mod a new HP game for a while, though.

    Saturday, January 2nd, 2010
    12:13 pm
    Hi guys! Just wanted to say that the holidays swamped me, like most people, I think. I decided to drop a couple of characters. I'm going to KEEP: Barty, Bella, Dorcas, Ginny & Roxy. Going to start making posts and getting caught up today. SO! Who wants threads? Who wants plots? poke me!

    OH! btw! I didn't have time or energy to have all my characters look for presents for everyone. So here's the list of who got stuff for who and you can just make something up for what the present actually was.

    -Barty got stuff for LilyII, Bella, Rodolphus & Rabastan.
    -Bella got stuff for Rodolphus, Narcissa, Andromeda, Draco & Pansy.
    -Dorcas got stuff for LilyI, Georgie, Sirius & James (begrudgingly. lol)
    -Ginny got stuff for her entire family (including the extended & dead & in-laws, except Snape) as well as Luna, Neville, Alice, & Frank. (and if i forgot someone and you think you should have gotten something from her, just go for it!)
    -Roxy got stuff for her immediate family, all her cousins, grandparents, Lysander, & Orsino.
    Tuesday, December 29th, 2009
    10:03 pm
    Sorry for being MIA lately! Dad has my two brothers and I doing filing at his work lately and thats all day (10-4) and I'm coming home and just crashing. It is exhausting work- plus I do have my actual job in there too. So on top of Chrismas and everything I'm feeling very unmotivated but I hopefully shall be around a bit more soon *crosses fingers*

    PS> I'm around on AIM if need be I'm just not really RPing (takes to much brain power which I do not have :( )
    Friday, December 11th, 2009
    9:13 am
    Mod Post!
    Hokay, guys, here's the scoop: Frost and I were talking last night about how the game's slowed down. And that's okay! Games tend to do that, right? Speed up and slow down. And we have a lot of plots and things planned to try and get people motivated to play again.

    First thing's first: Secret Santa! I'm giving it just a little more time because I want to make sure everyone's got all their names in. I'm going to draw randomly, and hope that no one gets their own character. O_O If you do, please let me know so I can fix it.

    Second thing's second: After Christmas (hopefully before the New Year) we're going to post a "who's staying and who's going" post. It will be a free-for-all drop post. All you have to do is tag the post with which characters you're keeping, and we'll drop the rest. You can drop whoever you want, no questions asked. After the drops and the update on the cast list, we'll open up applications again, so people can try out new pups.

    Third thing's third: We're excited about the Malfoy wedding on Jan 1, so we're moving our game-wide plot idea back by a week. (Maybe more. We'll let the wedding thread(s) go for a bit, and see when it's time.) That plot should last a couple of weeks, and then we'll be ready for a Valentine's Day plot.

    If anyone has any ideas about plots you'd like to see, please don't hesitate to e-mail or comment. <3

    Let me know if I've forgotten anything? And expect to see the Secret Santa List up tonight or tomorrow. Sorry I'm a bit of a slacker on that one! XD Two weeks to Christmas!

    &hearts: Missy
    Thursday, December 3rd, 2009
    5:26 pm
    i'm going to be out of state for a few days, i'll be on my phone if you need a reply. though if i'm a little slow, please forgive me. :)

    - rose
    Monday, November 30th, 2009
    9:03 am
    December Plots!
    Notices about the Secret Santa Gift Swap are slipped under every door. The notices tell about the program. If a character signs up to be a part of the Secret Santa Swap (comment below to sign up) then they are obligated to give a present of 20 galleons worth to whoever is chosen for them. Names will be drawn randomly, and names will be given out on December 6th. That gives a week for sign-ups. Tell your friends. Secret Santa Swap. Awesome. <3

    A bag with 100 galleons in it will show up on every character's bedside table, for Christmas purchases. The shops will be overflowing with items. Decorations will show up all over the ship, and as of Dec 1, there will be snow and ice over the ship. The hot tubs will still be in service (and the indoor water park) but the pools on the top deck will be covered in ice for ice skating.

    Also remember there's a secret santa journal for your use: Please feel free to upload icons and stuff.

    Any modly stuff, please feel free to comment here. :) I'd love to hear ideas for game-wide plots and whatnot! ♥
    Friday, November 27th, 2009
    6:46 am
    I hope everyone who celebrates it had a great Thanksgiving! And if you don't celebrate it, well... then I hope you had a good Thursday. :) And for our NaNo-ers, I hope that you're getting the last of your words in to finish up your novel!

    I got sick. :( Crazy, wicked, head-cold type sick. I hate being sick, especially when I have a baby to take care of. Reeve says it might be swine flu. O_o. Anyway, at least Alice isn't sick. We don't think. It's hard to tell. She has been fussier than normal, but that could just be more teething, or over-excitement? Either way, we're taking it easy for a few days.

    I'm hoping to get all my pups posted, and put up a post for the Secret Santa Gift Exchange! Gimme a couple hours, though. I want to try and get some more sleep.

    And we'll have another game-wide plot coming up on January 1, after the Secret Santa Gift Exchange. :) (Yes, sometimes I steal my plot ideas from Star Trek: The Next Generation. No, I'm not ashamed of my geekiness. ^^)


    EDIT! 11/29 Still sick, please bear with me. <3
    Wednesday, November 25th, 2009
    12:48 pm
    Hi guys just a heads up. Lauren's internet is dead. She should be getting it back on Friday though.
    Friday, November 20th, 2009
    2:32 pm
    SOOOOOOOOOOOOO I know I've been MIA for a while and popping in few times and far between, but I think everything has calmed down a bit. However, I did decide to drop Rose Zeller. She wasn't really developing and I didn't enjoy playing her anymore, but it happens. I'm keeping Amelia for sure and Orsino for now unless I can't get any plot for him either.

    Uhm, so if anyone wants to thread, plot, ANYTHING, please let me know? I would be eternally grateful.
    Monday, November 16th, 2009
    9:08 pm
    So I fail, and totally forgot to tell you all I got a new sn. It's kattattackrawr now if anyone wants to chat/plot/poke/etc ^_^

    4:45 pm
    I just realized I never officially introduced Neville, facepalm.

    Right then, so this is Neville Longbottom. He is 22 years old and comes from January of 2003. He is working as an Auror with Kingsley Shacklebolt, as well as working as a herbologist's assistant at St. Mungos while he tries to look for a way to help his parents ( or at least lessen their madness ). He's been on the ship for a few weeks now, and he's been told all about it, and that's about it. He's been excited to see some of his friends all ready. Though, as Romilda can vouch, he's done some serious growing up. XD

    Oh! And presently, he's under the idea that he marries Luna and that the sons she told him about are his. So yeah.
    Saturday, November 14th, 2009
    4:22 pm
    Hey guys.  I hate to do this and I've been trying to put it off as long as possible, but school is just eating me alive.  We're winding down to the last two or three weeks, and even on weeks where I'm supposed to be free, I'm unsurprisingly busier than others.  So I'm going to call it time for a hiatus, just until after my last final which is December 15th.  I've got a good 6 weeks till the next semester after that and hopefully I'll be able to get back into the swing of things then.  I'm sorry and for ongoing threads, I'll try and wrap them up.

    Brittany (Rose W + Gabrielle)
    Tuesday, November 10th, 2009
    1:05 pm
    Hi guys, I suppose this is a semi-hiatus notice. Not because I have anything coming up but because I'm so blah at the moment. I'm having a lot of trouble concentrating on anything at the moment and its seriously impacting on my RPing. I will reply to your posts but it might take awhile (a few days unfortuantely). If more goes by and I still haven't replied feel free to poke me on AIM (I can recieve offline messages/will be invisible) but you can also email me at It probably hasn't helped that the weather has gone from mild winter weather to boiling hot in like two days but hopefully I'll be back to normal soon enough.

    Sunday, November 8th, 2009
    8:52 am
    So, I never did introduce this guy, bad me! This is Gideon Prewett. He's mostly a good guy, most famous for getting jumped by a bunch of Death Eaters and dying. But most importantly he was an Order Member and brother to Molly Weasley and Fabian Prewett.

    He comes from the seconds in between his brothers death and his own, so when he first gets on the ship he's going to be confused, a bit crazy and possibly quick to fight. But really, he's a good guy and after a while he's going to come to terms with it all and things will be better from there on out, I promise. ;)

    As always I can be reached on AIM at Notyouraverage25, or by email at

    -Amber (Lee/Gideon)
    Saturday, November 7th, 2009
    12:46 pm
    AND BACK! Sorry for the delay with my kids! Finally moved into my apartment, and with the internet and school for work is over! And ready to be back and avalible! Hit me up if anyone wants plot with Rowena, Druella and Ursula!
    Friday, November 6th, 2009
    8:49 pm
    I'm sure you guys have noticed how gone I've been lately. :/ Basically, like I told Frost + Missy, I'm dealing with a few personal issues right now. On top of that, I'm trying to work full-time and go to school full-time. It's a lot to deal with, and TLB has just fallen to the side.

    SO. I'm taking a longgg hiatus. With any luck, things will clear up in the next few weeks. Luck and I aren't usually BFFs though -- you guys can probably expect me back in early January. I still have email, so if you need any character-reactions or whatever, please feel free to email me.

    Aidan » His arrival to the ship is going to be pushed back until I return~
    Dominique » Grouchy that no one recognized her... as a lion. Generally, goofing off and being ridiculous the rest of the time. Flirting with inappropriate future!men, lots of time dancing at the night club, a few hookups?
    Lysander » Exploring all areas of the ship, including boiler room, etcetera. Trying to figure out a way off the boat. Continuing to drive Roxanne crazy. Frost, Myron!fun when I get back?
    Euan » High. Enough said.
    Astoria » With the mods' permission, I'd love for her to disappear off the ship. When I return, she'd come back too -- as if the last few months had never happened, and it was still the same day as when she disappeared? If that's not kosher, she'll just be puttering around. Sulking about Draco/Pansy, avoiding Daphne, keeping to herself. Probably avoiding everyone, really, incl. Scorpius.

    Rocy [ ]
    Thursday, November 5th, 2009
    9:40 pm
    Hello! Spoon! here with another character: Daphne Greengrass! Her information is in her journal (I think...if not, it'll be there soon) so if you have any questions feel free to leave them here! Friends? Enemies? Frenemies?? ^_^ I know she has a sister around here somewhere too. ;)
    5:18 pm
    Hi guys. Alex here with her seventh............ Anyway I bring you Marcus Flint. For the guys who know him he's pretty much my usual character but he's married to Daphne Greengrass as the Pureblood his parents engaged him to.

    For those who don't know him. He's obsessed with Quidditch, Flirting, Girls and sex. He's from a few months after he married Daphne and their relationship is friendly but they're not in love.

    So any back story/plots/friends/enemies/exes- should be plenty of those :)


    PS> Icons will come I'm just lazy atm....
    Wednesday, November 4th, 2009
    1:32 pm
    Mod Post Please Read!
    I always seem to be apologizing. :(

    I hope everyone enjoyed the Halloween plot! :) And life is back to normal... for now. XD We've got some other ideas in the works for more game-wide plots! Tell your friends!

    Next plot will be coming up at the end of November. Probably the last 10 days. I've got two ideas that I'm sorting through. Frost and I discussed the next plot, and I'll put up a post for it sometime this weekend, I think. :) It'll be started in the upcoming week or two, and will go through the end of November/beginning of December. Also, please try to think if your character is interested in the Secret Santa Swap.

    I'm going to admit some new characters. Sorry it took me so long! Frost has been very, very busy, and we haven't been communicating well. Please run the Friend-All Button.

    Questions, Comments and Concerns are always welcome!


    P.S. Reeve wrote a program (you may remember him from the famous "icon uploader" that will help us run sweeps. I'm gonna have him show me how to use it. Please make sure that all of your pups have posted in the in-character community at least once per month. :) Journal entries are great, but we need threads, too!

    P.P.S - let me know if you're doing NANOWRIMO, so we can be more forgiving. ♥
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