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not if i come for you first [userpic]

Right so I've made that fairy tales game. It's an OC type game. [info]farfromooc for more details.

Read everything y'know before signing up :D

x-posted liek woah.

Heyz guyz, is Shar! I'm gonna put something up for my kids because they need some plot.

I have [info]duchessyelena, resident Grand Duchess vamp, who has recently taken up a relationship with [info]ioann_komarov. She can use some friends, and whatnot.

Also [info]andreithewicked is Ioann's identical twin, he's a bit more friendly with the booze, and more mischievous, has a big mouth and a lot of opinions. He can use friends, enemies, lovers, love interest. Anything and everything.

and of course, [info]kingofaces poor Ace, who I still have to icon. His PB is Zach Quinto, and he's the less likely of all my three to settle for a relationship. He has a few buddies, can always use more and more fuck buddies, enemies especially because he's a temperamental little bastard.

And that's all, comments with ideas or whatnot, are love.

I just wanted to post that I've changed Mikhail's PB from Rossif Sutherland to Thomas Dekker, because while Rossif is love, he just hasn't clicked in my head. And I really want to get these guys active.

To review, I have [info]ilya_ivanov who is doing okay for himself, with Emilia and Brand to keep him busy. [info]iaonn_komarov has his brother and his girlfriend. Sweet! [info]rurik_kogan has his thing with Hugh XD, and [info]tristan_taylor has Amelia. Then there's the baby of my group, young, impulsive Mikhail.

All of them are available for plot! Just hit me up with a reply here, or MeeshZilla on AIM!

not if i come for you first [userpic]

Here's a list of people who are on the taken list but don't have journals that are members of the main comm (and their journal name from GJ). Or in one case, a journal I recognize but don't really know anything about.

Melisande du Guillory - hehaditcoming
David Lawless - lawlessvamp
Sebastian Saint
Noah Declan - feetoverhead
Liam Templar - templarcross
Lucas Bradley - dontignoreme
Ryder Montgomery - rulestobebroken
Timothy Wanger - beati_pacifici

Betsy Leveque - lalupe
Elsebet Vriesen - ___eis
Sean Donovan - sonoftheisle
Jared Stewart - lycanjared
Balian Murphy - captiveoracle
Brendan Farrelly - armoredone
Ashley -prettyashley
Magdalena Spencer - meridua

Trinian Luce - thecontracted
C.J. Preston - furiouscurve


If you're not keeping/still making journals for, let me know. If you don't respond I guess I'll just take them off the list. Thankee.

Edit 1 - The friend add button is now up and running
Edit 2- the contact list and all the tables are up and running now too with the exceptions of the ones listed here.

Okay so. Amelia is now Ava. And this is her new journal. So people didn't think something was up.

not if i come for you first [userpic]

Hey kiddies, are we all moved over here? Comment here and let me know when you've gotten everything all moved over.

not if i come for you first [userpic]

who's who table humans )

not if i come for you first [userpic]

who's who table lycans )

not if i come for you first [userpic]

who's who table vampires )

not if i come for you first [userpic]

friend add button )

Last add: 1/14/08 - 2:57pm

not if i come for you first [userpic]

position/ranks )

not if i come for you first [userpic]

taken characters )

not if i come for you first [userpic]

application )

not if i come for you first [userpic]

taken pbs )

not if i come for you first [userpic]

rules )

not if i come for you first [userpic]

premise and setting )

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