Tuesday, May 17th, 2011

Who: Stephen (with guest appearances by Irene Croaker and a priest). Special thank you to Cori, who wrote Matthew's note and Father Michaels.
What: A short piece about death and dying.
When: May 14th, 1982
Where: Starting in Stephen's house in Bognor Regis, ending outside of St. Richard's in Chichester.
Rating: PG-13 for content (language, disturbing themes), major trigger warning for suicide, character death.

He ain't heavy. )
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Thursday, May 5th, 2011

Who: Stephen and Matthew
What: THE ANGSTY NERDS' REUNION! (It's like the Partridge Family Reunion, only with LESS STUPID SINGING! XD)
WHen: 2 May 1982, afternoon going on evening?
Where: Matthew's house, naturellement, since Stephen doesn't TRUST Matty enough to let him come to HIS PLACE!
Rating: Let's say... T for Teens again, since Stephen has a dirty mouth!

Nerds are just deep, and neurotic, fans. Needy fans. We're all nerds, on one subject or another. ~Jonathan Lethem )
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Tuesday, May 3rd, 2011

Who: Kinjala and Matthew Selwyn
When: Sunday, 2 May 1982, early afternoon
Where: The Selwyns' family home, naturellement!
Rating: Say... T for Teens because of some talk of INCEST!

Her parthenogenetic birth from Adam`s body makes Eve his daughter so that the Judeo-Christian tradition rests on a primal father-daughter incest motif. ~Naomi Goodman )
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Sunday, May 1st, 2011

Who: Eoin McClory, James Potter, and Matthew and Diana Selwyn
What: Big Brother is WATCHING YOU...whore yourself out, among OTHER THINGS!
When: Monday, 26 April 1982, evening (BACKDATED!)
Where: The streets of Soho, to segue to Diana's flat!
Rating: Say... T for TEENS at first – seeing as how there will PROBABLY DEFINITELY BE SOME SWEARING! (And also TRIGGER WARNING: incestuous THOUGHTS but no ACTION!)

To the moralist prostitution does not consist so much in the fact that the woman sells her body, but rather that she sells it out of wedlock. ~ Emma Goldman )
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Saturday, April 30th, 2011

Who: Nicholas and Matthew Selwyn
What: A friendly warning that Diana's ALIVE and COMING HOME... or so SOMEONE THINKS...!
When: Monday, 26th April 1982 (BACKDATED!)
Where: Matthew's house in Chichester, West Sussex, naturellement!
Rating: Let's call it T for Teens, with a stipulation/WARNING: there WILL BE talk of INCEST and CHILD ABUSE in this log!

We say that slavery has vanished from European civilization, but this is not true. Slavery still exists, but now it applies only to women and its name is prostitution – Victor Hugo )
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Wednesday, April 27th, 2011

Who: Terrell O'Connors, Aberforth Dumbledore, and Matthew Selwyn
What: Would sir enjoy a bit of torture and memory loss with his meal?
When: 23rd April, 1982 (SLIGHTLY BACKDATED!)
Where: The Prince Albert, in Dover
Rating: Let's say... R, just in case Abe has to CUT A BITCH! XD

When all is said, [England's] atmosphere still contains fewer germs of aggression and brutality per cubic foot in a crowded bus, pub or queue than in any other country in which I have lived ~ Arthur Koestler )
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Friday, April 22nd, 2011

[LOG] Matthew's Uncle Nicholas is the COOLEST HEALER EVAR!

Who: Nicholas, Frederick, and Matthew Selwyn
What: Frederick is SO DAMNED SICK that he's hired his BROTHER ON to heal him...!
When: 19th April 1982 (BACKDATED)
Where: The Selwyn household in West Sussex-- specifically, Frederick's bedroom
Rating: PG-13 for language, some distur trigger warning for talk of incest and child abuse.

Child abuse casts a shadow the length of a lifetime. ~ Herbert Ward )
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Tuesday, March 29th, 2011

What: You respond to an ad for ward inspection, you get this bastard.
When: March 28th, 1982
Where: Matthew's house in Chichester.
Rating: PG-13 for language.
Status: Complete

We've all gotten a little bit older, a little less stable. )
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Sunday, March 27th, 2011

Who: The temporary representative for Britain in the International Confederation of Wizards.
What: I know it looks bad that we killed a married couple, but...
When: March 27th, 1982
Where: Wherever the International Confederation of Wizards meets.
Rating: G

Good morning to you all. )
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