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Devon Bostick [Jan. 2nd, 2011|08:01 pm]

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It might just be me, but this kid is totally reading as a school-aged Sirius pb to me, imho. He has that ~vibe~. He goes from high school jerkass to "I just ran away from home" woobie very nicely.

Please credit [info]blevcons or [info]glitterberries
Commenting is always appreciated.

319 Devon Bostick icons )
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Erin Karpluk [Nov. 9th, 2009|01:55 am]

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And the rest of the Erin Karpluk icons! This time with long hair and a lack of glasses.


Please credit [info]blevcons or [info]glitterberries
Commenting is always appreciated.

191 Erin Karpluk icons )
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Erin Karpluk [Nov. 7th, 2009|11:53 pm]

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I'll probably be doing more icons of her with her normal look super soon. I just loved her look in this episode, though, and she got pushed to the front of the iconing queue.


Please credit [info]blevcons or [info]glitterberries
Commenting is always appreciated.

131 Erin Karpluk icons )
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Sebastian Pigott [Oct. 12th, 2009|04:14 am]

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These were done after some fiddling with monitor coloring, so I'm not sure how they'll look from screen to screen. Hopefully they are okay, though, because I am in love with this fellow and his face and believe he should be PBed always.


Please credit [info]blevcons or [info]glitterberries
Commenting is always appreciated.

85 Sebastian Pigott icons )
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