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Alicia Witt [Apr. 23rd, 2009|06:34 pm]


I still think she makes an incredible Lily Evans pb. She's 19/20 in these, and is playing a 16 year old, so would totally be acceptable to be used in a school game, I think.

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Alicia Witt [Nov. 20th, 2007|11:02 pm]

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Because really. I needed more Alicia Witt icons. I haven't seen any floating around of her from Blue Smoke, though, and my ridiculous addiction to Lifetime movies made it impossible for me not to cap this. Such a good and sad and emotastic movie, and she makes amazing expressions in it. And it has Dan and Jenny's dad from Gossip Girl in it, which is also very exciting.


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Young Alicia Witt icons [Mar. 29th, 2007|01:58 am]

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For those of you who play a younger Lily Evans with Alicia as her PB, or for any of you who are looking to PB a redheaded clarinettist, I bring thee icons from Mr. Holland's Opus! I wish that she would have been in the film for longer than she was, but as she grew up to be Joanna Gleason, I absolutely forgive her. :D


Please credit [info]blevcons or [info]glitterberries
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39 Alicia Witt icons )
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Alicia Witt icons [Oct. 12th, 2006|08:22 pm]



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Alicia Witt icons [Sep. 24th, 2006|02:43 am]



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