May 23rd, 2013

[info]cullingsong in [info]bizarre_city

September 24

Andrew, Amber, and Audric
Afternoon when Andrew should be working
Audric's establishment of choice, trying on suits and being fitted

Do I have a say, here? )

[info]darkfae in [info]bizarre_city

September 28, 2013

Who: Aneirin Calmcacil & Mikino Alcaeyn
What: Nye approaches Mikino in place of Avalynn's Father and the brother she never had.
Where: Outside of the Chaldean's Quarters.
Rating: Low
Status: Incomplete

Mikino Alcaeyn, Judgment, Lord of the South, fiance of Avalynn. )

[info]cullingsong in [info]bizarre_city

September 30

Andrew and Kaylee and Open
The Tavern--finally with someone he actually knows

And the words you said tore through my head like bullets from a gun )