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Back September 30th, 2011 Forward
dani_meows [userpic]
Blood and Blankets Part Five

Title:Blood and Blankets Five
Fandom:Sherlock BBC
Word Count:221B
Notes: Unbetaed: prompt 48.) Vampire

Sherlock had held him as he was fading. John squeezed Sherlock's hand lightly. He remembered the horror on Sherlock's face, and he wanted him to know that he was alright. )

Current Mood: sleepy
dani_meows [userpic]
Here Be Monsters

Title: Here Be Monsters
Fandom:Sherlock BBC
Word Count:200
Notes: Unbetaed. Prompt 49. Monster. Angst sorry!

John opened the door and without warning, without giving the man a chance to speak, or to put the groceries down, Sherlock's temper exploded. )

Current Mood: awake
dani_meows [userpic]
Cuts Like a Knife

Title: Cuts Like A Knife
Fandom:Sherlock BBC
Word Count: 221B
Notes: Companion to earlier drabble: Here Be Monsters. Skipped a prompt so this is 51.) Knife. Tomorrow will be fluff, I'm tired of angst. :-)

His best friend had hurt him without any warning, he didn't know what he'd done to make his friend hate him. His heart was wounded... he wanted to cry... he felt alone. )

Current Mood: awake
dani_meows [userpic]
Valentine's Day Surprises

Title: Valentine's Day Surprises
Fandom:Sherlock BBC
Word Count:400
Notes: Fluff! Written for prompt 50, Valentine.

Sherlock sighed dramatically in disappointment and flounced away in order to brood on the couch. He didn't want the roses to be from Moriarty, he wanted them to be from John. But John was straight and had a date tonight with his latest girlfriend, after Sarah, Amy, Laura, Ashley... Sherlock accepted the fact that they would all be boring, dull, and that it wouldn't be worth it to learn their names. )

Current Mood: awake
dani_meows [userpic]
He Wished It Was

Title: He Wished it was...
Fandom:Sherlock BBC
Word Count:300
Notes: Written for prompt 52. ball.

But no, John had been called away to his sister's place yesterday, so Sherlock was left alone to enjoy the tedium for at least three hours, that being the number of hours that his brother required his presence before he could leave. )

Current Mood: awake
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