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Back August 21st, 2011 Forward
dani_meows [userpic]
Drawn To You

Title: Drawn To You
Fandom: Sherlock BBC
Pairing: John/Sherlock
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100
Notes: Unbetaed. Written for prompt 26, first sight.  I kept having to remove things I wanted to get it down to 100 words even, hope it's still got the feel I was going for.

At first glance, even as my brain began to fire off things about my potential flatmate in a rapid pace, I was drawn to him.

It was unexpected, I'd never been drawn to anyone before but I was drawn to him.

After an exchange about violin playing, I insisted on leaving, but he called me back and pointed out that I hadn't told him were to go or who I was.

I gave him the address, my name, and a cheeky wink.  I wanted him to think of me and be as drawn to me as I was to him.

Current Mood: sleepy
Back August 21st, 2011 Forward