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Back April 5th, 2011 Forward
dani_meows [userpic]
90 Toshiko Sato icons (fandom: Torchwood)

Contains Spoilers for TW Season Two: Only a few icons most are from Season One.

Notes: Originally there was only going to be a set of 20 but this proved a nice distraction from my tooth ache and I enjoyed playing around with textures and colors more than I would if I treated it like a 20 in 20 batch.

Caps and resources can be found: here.

Rules: If you like them, take them enjoy them. Comments are love. Credt isn't fully necessary as long as you don't claim that you made them. Textless icons are not bases but if you tell me what you want it to say, I'd be happy to try and add it... or if you ask nicely you may make modifications yourself but please ask?

TW Icons for [info]chromaticvision: Toshiko Sato: 90


Banana: I'm Banana. [points to loud yellow cravat] Banana: Suppose you can tell why. Tosh: You come up in spots and go soft quickly? )

Current Mood: accomplished
Back April 5th, 2011 Forward