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Back March 4th, 2011 Forward
dani_meows [userpic]
Drabble: Dear Diary (HP Next Gen: Lily Luna Chronicles drabble)

Title:Dear Diary
Pairing: implied Harry/Ginny, Ginny/Other
Word Count:200
Warnings: (if any) Angst waffles abound.
Challenge:Prompt 54: Sorrow
A/N: (if any): One out of two drabbles I have to post for [info]hp_nextgen100 and one of several drabble ficlets I hope to post today. :-) The muse is back and currently full of writing and ideas... so sorry for the spam but not for the writing (finally!). It's been a long time since I was seven but I tried to make Lily Luna sound her age... if she doesn't, um she's a child genius?

Dear Diary: )

Current Mood: awake
dani_meows [userpic]
Fic: The Only Answer (Harry Potter: Petunia Centric)

Title:The Only Answer
Pairings or Characters: Petunia, Dudley, Vernon, Harry and Lily.
Word Count:800
Rating:PG-13 (Angst)
Warnings: (if any) Major Character Death *
Challenge: Prompt: Quest for[info]syfy_fantasy100

The Only Answer )

Back March 4th, 2011 Forward