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Back December 4th, 2010 Forward
dani_meows [userpic]
Drabble: Memories Bitter and Cold

Title: Memories: Bitter and Cold
Fandom:Harry Potter
Pairing:Petunia gen
Rating:Not Porn (Also not fluff)
Word count:200
Note: I've got a few more hand written but my Joey cat is being a bit of a fink with my notebook (pictures of his cuteness here

Christmas Eve 1981:

Vernon was watching the children. Or to be more precise, Vernon was doting on Dudley and ignoring the very presence of his nephew. She had needed to get away. More than that she felt that she had to make this journey by herself.

She drove to the place where her sister had lived and died. Lily, her once beloved friend who'd turned into someone that she had loathed was dead. Even now, almost two months later, Petunia couldn't grasp that she was gone.

She stood in front of an alter in a quiet church (later it would be busy with all sorts for Midnight Mass but for now it was silent) lit a candle and said a prayer for her sister's soul.

She prayed for peace.

As she watched the flame, flicker and burn she allowed herself to remember her sister rather than shoving the memories to the furthest corners of her brain.

She remembered laughter, the whispering of secrets in the dark, Christmas mornings, a thousand silly moments that had ended when her sister had turned eleven.

She mourned her sister.

Magic destroyed. She was too bitter and cold to change how she was but sometimes she regretted it.

Current Mood: amused
Current Music: Duran Duran- Hungry like the Wolf
Back December 4th, 2010 Forward