September 2010




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Sep. 23rd, 2010


Due to the lack of source book (never loan books to friends, NEVER), Nicholas Flood has been retired without appearance, but Richard Mayhew from Neil Gaiman's Neverwhere. He's a freshly illuminated puppy who is more than a little used to randomly appearing in strange places. He'll be making an open thread, and anyone is more than welcome to jump on.

Also, since we've had a few new characters join up, might be a good idea to hit the Friend Button again.

Sep. 19th, 2010


Hey there, all. I'm V, and I just have to say I'm stoked to be playing in a book-based RPG. I'd been on a bit of a hiatus from roleplaying for a while, but I saw ads for the game and I couldn't resist!

Anyway, I'm bringing to the table Iago, back with a vengeance from the depths of your high school English class, here to make your life miserable again >D I'll be imitating Shakespeare's vernacular as best I can (at least at first; maybe hanging around non-poetically inclined pups will change his speech with enough time), though I'm sure my sad attempts are making the Bard revolve in his grave. Though not so much the iambic pentameter. I do have my limits >.>;

I don't have AIM just at the moment, though I hope to fix that soon, so instead I can be reached on AIM at gener1ca, though I suck at being online unless it's like... prescheduled. There's also the lovely dropbox in my journal. Plotting and interaction are love. Iago's not a nice guy, but at least he's really really good at pretending like it.



We have 4 active characters in the game now, so the game can officially start! Please remember to post in third person, past tense and label all posts with who, when, rating and use tags created for the [info]bibliotecha comm.

If you are looking for someone to post with, use the OOC comm, dropboxes in character journals or you can just post an open thread and see what happens!

Also, I'll ask everyone to please pimp out the comm to your other RP buddies, so we can get some more characters to play with!

Sep. 14th, 2010


Apologies for the absent mod of late, sadly sinus infections and the beginning of spring are a match made in heaven (not) for me. Just a few things;

One more character and we get the game rolling! We're waiting on a few holds to come through, so hopefully they will be filled in soon. Any pimpage you guys want to do is welcome, the more the merrier! I'll be pimping the comm out over the next day or so, try and get some more interest.

Also, I've got a 'wanted' character I'd love to see in the game, Henry DeTamble from the Time Travellers Wife by Audrey Niffenegger. I think he'd be a great one to explore, and would probably be more stable in the Library than most characters, what with his 'condition'.

Anyways, I'm off to pimp this comm out. Hopefully we'll be started by the end of the week!

~ J

Sep. 10th, 2010


Late intro is Late! I'm Alex though and bring you currently one Elspeth Gordie from the Obernewtyn Chronicles by Isobelle Carmody a Australian fantasy series.

It's based in a Earth where 99% of stuff have been whipped out and people have started to develop mental abilities and Elspeth is one of them and has some of the more powerful and wider range of abilities.

I suck at intro's hence the two links above to her app and then to the wiki page.

AIM - moonsdreaming (also have MSN and yim)
Email -
Journal - [info]hippocripes
Contact Post - here

Sep. 7th, 2010


Howdy howdy howdy!!!

I'm J, your friendly neighbourhood mod! I wanted to make an intro, and also introduce my girl Jain here. We're both super excited to see peeps interested in our little game, and can't wait to start playing with such a great mix of girls from literature!

*mental note: advertise for more male characters*

Anyhoo, Jain here was the first character to wake, she's been coming to the library off and on for almost 3 months, so she pretty much knows it like the back of her hand. She's a good one to pump for information.

I've got a boy too, he's an 19th century book binder and printer, but until I get his source back from a friend (never loan books out, EVER!) he'll be on hiatus. And be sure to keep an eye out for the Little Kitten of Death, she'll be popping up every now and then, and she's an NPC, so anyone can play her.

Can't wait to meet you all, and your characters!

~ J

Aug. 20th, 2010


To keep everything organised in the OOC comm, please use the tags provided:

~ introduction - when introducing players or characters.

~ wanted characters - when requesting a particular character, book or type of character for the game.

~ plot - when looking for a partner for a thread, or suggesting a game wide plot.

~ hiatus - when you won't be able to play for any length of time.

~ squee - everything else.