September 26th, 2008

[info]watchme in [info]beyondwonderlnd

RP Thread: Buffy Summers, Faith Lehane

Who: Buffy Summers, Faith Lehane
When: back-date to Sept 24
Where: the Bronze and surrounding area
What: Buffy the Vampire Slayer? Meet Faith the Vampire Slayer.
Rating: Who knows with Faith in the mix. Let's say PG13
Status: TBC

'I don't think that guy thrives on Sunshine.' )

[info]dazzlinglion in [info]beyondwonderlnd


Characters: Bella & Edward (& various NPCs if necessary)
Setting: Forks Hospital
Summary: They... "talk" or rather, Bella gets angry that Edward doesn't explain like he had promised after saving her life in a very UN-HUMAN manner.
Date: BACKDATED to Monday, September 22nd
Status:</i> Placeholder/Incomplete

[info]davischeers in [info]beyondwonderlnd

RP Log: Brooke/Jackie - WAY WAY BACKDATED >>

Who: Jackie Burkhart and Brooke Davis.
Where: Dog Beach.
When: Monday, September first, nighttime (BACKDATED).
Why: Because boys suck.
Rating: TBD
Status: In progress // Finish In Comments

Completely unbelief-unbe....unbelievable! )

[info]upnorth in [info]beyondwonderlnd

RP Log: Liz Parker, Max Evans

Who: Liz Parker, Max Evans
When: back-dated to Sept 23rd
Where: Crashdown, just after closing.
What: Liz warns Max about the new teacher Ms. Topolsky, but Max doesn't think there's anything to worry about.
Rating: Maybe mild PG

'Any dust bunnies left over might survive a nuclear attack with the way you were sweeping.' )