beyond evolution ooc

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December 20th, 2008



oooomg moar characters WHAT.

So hay it's Hezy! Again!

This is Sadie Liddell, (aka Gothic Barbie/Morticia/Botox etc etc) step-sister to Hendrix Liddell and all around gothic rocker chick. Mini run down of her life is that her mother was some woman who she never knew and left Bruce after decided she wasn't the motherly type, Sadie grew up on the road with her Dad's band, he met Daisy and got married and then Sadie found she had a brother. WHAT. They hated each other and fought like cat and dog and ugh they had to share motel rooms and spend hours in cars and vans together geeze. So Sadie started her website,, so she could rant about her douchebag of a brother and where she posts ~poetry~ and ~morbid cartoons~ and stuff like that, yes she's one of those types. Also, she uses it to bitch about Hendrix.

BUT HEY. They turn out to be mutants! Which means they also become friends. Sadly her mutation means she can't touch anyone in case she... kills them. Oops. So she's taking the cure right now and spent the past four years not being able to touch people skin to skin in case she exploded their brains/hearts/eyes, yeah the last one happened once and it was REALLY COOL kind of gross. They were touring though, she it's taken this long to get to New York so she can take it, so Sadie is in the first stages/days of the first injection.

Personality wise she's kind of cantankerous, she doesn't smile a whole lot and when she does it's probably because someone just fell over, or Hendrix is being hilarious. She's pretty introverted and quiet, good at internet coding and generally the gothic thing is big old attitude rather than what she's really like.

Also, her middle name is Cobain. YES THAT'S IMPORTANT.

Omg I rambled I'm so sorry. BIO IS HERE. PLEASE TO BE FRIENDING HER ♥!



wow i'm slow.

Hi guys! It's Zoe, with (lololol why are we so insane) a new character for you all.

This is Gemmer Warner, an adorable junior from the-middle-of-nowhere (i.e. Polsgrove), Illinois. She's the youngest of four with three older brothers, her dad owns a hardware shop, and her mother used to be a teacher and a town council member. Unfortunately, sob story, her mom died of ovarian cancer when she was eight. :( Ever since then, everyone has been nice to her. Seriously. She's got four overprotective male figures in her life and teachers who would probably give her an A just for showing up. Awesome, right? Until she meets Xavier's, that is. Her mutation really wasn't that bad; if she makes eye contact, she can force a psychic connection that makes you mirror her every movement. With a little training, she could probably have gotten it under control, but instead she and her family decided she should join the trials for the Cure! She's been in New York since the trials started, but she's been staying in the city with her family until now. They're taking their time getting settled, thanks.

Full profile is here, FRIEND HER OR I'LL HUNT YOU DOWN, tag me if you have any ideas/plots/questions/want to tell me how much I rock.