beyond evolution ooc

June 2024


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December 19th, 2008


new character!

hello ladies, gentlemen, and everyone in between. it's ray with yet another character to bring to the fold. meet eudora aren-catherine ross. she's the newest whack job at xavier's. literally. well, not that literally. to save everyone from the extensive bio i'll sum her up. she's a telepath from manhattan. grew up in the higher-middle class and got everything she ever wanted. her powers triggered on 9/11 and soon after that she was sent to a mental asylum. she's been there for awhile and has been abused to the point that her psyche has unconsciously been released from her body into the astral plane. so she's in crisis mode right now.

so she's gonna be at xavier's soon. i'm gonna take a lucky guess and say she's not gonna have a handful of close friends. at her old school she was the queen bee, so that won't change. associates, maybe? just drop a line on what you want to do with that. i'm open to anything.

and on to other matters. i'm going to be dropping threnody and monet. monet will cease to exist since i'm sure a future applicant may come around, but i'll write out threnody. i know it sucks but i think eudora's gonna make up for it. i promise.