Between Seasons- a women's sports fest comm's Journal
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Tuesday, July 1st, 2008

    Time Event
    Claim Post, Olympic Edition
    All right, guys, Month #1 is over, and today is the first day of Month #2! The master list of prompts is below.

    What we’ll be doing is a modified claim system similar to what a lot of the table communities use to strike a balance between spreading out prompts and stifling creativity. Any prompt can be claimed by multiple people- but for the first three weeks of Month #3, the fics can only be posted in the order the writers staked their claim to the prompt.

    So comment below with the prompt or prompts that have fired your fancy and intrigued your imagination, and your dibs will be appropriately called. Please note that from the 2nd to the 7th, your friendly neighborhood mod will be in a slightly different neighborhood than usual, working on Pacific time instead of Eastern.

    general prompts )
    player-specific prompts )
    team-specific prompts )
    cast-specific prompts )
    pairing-specific prompts )

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