Aug. 2nd, 2009


Who: Kaylee and River
What: Up for a little game?
When: Sunday night, August 2nd
Where: Galley
Rating: PG, but you can never be sure what River'll do ;)

1...2...3... )

Jul. 27th, 2009


Characters: Jayne & Open to Serenity Crew
Setting: Serentiy Cargo Hold. July 27, 2518. Monday. Evening Hours.
Summary: Jayne got himself a new 'girl' and is strokin' her down with glee.
Note: Not so sure where Serenity is at the moment. New Melbourne? Persephone? The Black? You should establish that if/when you reply.

Almost as giddy as a school boy who'd just paid his first visit to the local whorehouse... )

Jul. 23rd, 2009


Who: Larry and Open! I'm assuming the Serenity crew is on New Melbourne... But if not then it's all good!
What: Land-locked and not loving it
Where: New Melbourne
When: Morning of the 23rd
Warnings: Nothing... Yet ;)

I just want to save you while there's still something left to save )

Jul. 19th, 2009


Who: Yfaine, Arlen
What: Business dealings
Where: Three Hills
When: 12 hours after her announcement: Yfaine and co have been on Three Hills for two hours, and Yfaine and Arlen have been to meet with Feygor's boys. The postmortem for this latest deal takes place in a bar, as Yfaine debates how to break the news to the crew (backdated to morning July 14th)
Warnings: Yfaine likes cussin'

Not mentioning it until the cargo was onboard seemed the best plan of action, with shooting anyone who objected as Plan B )

Jul. 14th, 2009


Who: chatty an' irritatin' members of the crew of The Sweep, plus Yfaine
What: Yfaine probably coming to regret inviting the crew to come chat
Where: The Sweep's flightdeck
When: immediately after this
Rating: TBA

“An'... that's it. I'll be on deck f' the forseeable future in case any one of you jing-tzhang mei yong-duh assholes feels an overwhelmin' urge to be chatty an' irritatin'. Over an' out.”

Yfaine released the button of the comm, and set the mouthpiece back in its holder, dropping into her seat (because it was still her seat, fancy-new pilot be damned) behind the controls. Three Hills really was the arse-end of nowhere, but that was part of its appeal to less-than-upstanding businesspeople like her good self; there would be gambling, at least, and she still held out hope that some enterprising soul would one day set up a pretty whorehouse there. A Captain could dream, couldn't she?

Jul. 12th, 2009


Who: River and Simon
What: Not being able to sleep River wanders the ship and runs into Simon who can't seem to sleep either.
Where: Galley
When: Sunday night
Rating: TBA

Read more... )


Broadcast over Serenity's Comms System, 09:00 Shipboard Time, 13 July 2518

With another glance at the empty doorway where Mal had just disappeared, Zoe heaved a heavy sigh and picked up the comm from its hook.  She pressed the button a spoke clearly, succinctly: "This is Zoe.  Captain's busy right now, but wanted you all to know that Badger's just hailed us.  We're to pick up cargo in New Melbourne and deliver it back to his client on Persephone.  Shouldn't be much more than a day or so out."

Releasing the button of the comm, Zoe placed it back, staying still just a moment.  She wasn't sure quite when Mal had signed up to be Badger's errand-boy, but she wasn't happy about it.  Never mind that, if they were heading to New Melbourne, the cargo in question was likely to be fish- and a lot of it, at that.  She'd have to avoid the cargo bay for at least a week afterward, if only to stay clear of the stench.

Jul. 13th, 2009


- Broadcast over The Sweep's Comms System, “Morning” (Shipboard Time) of July 13th 2518 -

Mornin' all; this is your Captain interruptin' whatever you're doin' – and if the answer to that is nothin' then get to it, dong ma? - an'...

is this thing on? Hello? Rat, tyen shiao duh, if you've screwed with the comms rig again I swear, I'm pushin' you out the damn airlock for real this time.

Anyhow, nimen de bizui. We got ourselves some cargo needs pickin' up, an' will be landin' on Three Hills in... somewhere between eight an' ten hours dependent on how often The Bitch feels like correctin' my course an' how much time I have to waste resettin' it. Should probably warn y'all now, we're dealin' with Feygor's boys again, so play nice in case they take it thick – ain't plannin' on no thrillin' escapes this time.

An'... that's it. I'll be on deck f' the forseeable future in case any one of you jing-tzhang mei yong-duh assholes feels an overwhelmin' urge to be chatty an' irritatin'.

Over an' out.

Jul. 5th, 2020




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