BetterSorts storylines and plotting

April 2021


Apr. 9th, 2021



OK SO...I got this guy. He does tattoos. He's a recovering addict (10years clean! GO HIM!). and he's got like a million kids. Maybe not quite so many but 7 that he knows about and there is lots of room for kids to come out of the woodwork cuz he was a bit of a ho in his youth. He grew up in Brooklyn, moved to Chicago when he was 14/15 and has lived there pretty much ever since. With the exception of heading out to live on the west coast from about 2010-2014.

Not exactly sure what kinds of lines to ask for, but clients are definitely needed. Maybe a kid or two in game if there's anyone who could make it fit into their history OR If anyone is thinking of another character to bring in, I would love to get someone to play his oldest kid. They would be turning 36 this year. They were raised by their maternal grandparents and had zero contact with him until they were at least 18.

Apr. 7th, 2021



Kris looking for plot and lines for this guy!

Bellomo Consigliere, which basically means he's the advisor to the leaders. He joined up because his girlfriend ten years ago owed the family a lot of money for drugs; she overdosed a few years later but he's still here, working for the family, going up the ranks because he's smart and level-headed.

His entire family is omegas. He loves omegas. Is he three omegas in a trench coat? Maybe. He's very protective and giving towards them, whatever they need. Alphas? He doesn't really get Alphas, despite being one.

Apr. 6th, 2021



Hey guys! I already have Rory in the game but of course I couldn't resist bringing in someone new! This time I'm bringing in Sera, a bodyguard for the Bellomo family! Her adopted father is a distant cousin to the Bellomo family that was also a bodyguard, though now he's comfortably retired and spends his days bothering Sera about getting married and giving him grandbabies.

She's very much the "work hard play hard" type; during "office hours" she's stern and intimidating and solely focused on her job, taking absolutely no bullshit and ready to give and receive bodily pain to protect her charge. When she's not working, Sera is a tiny bit of a hedonist. She loves to go clubbing and eat delicious food and buy beautiful clothes and go to operas and take off on weekend trips with whoever her new boyfriend or girlfriend is for that week.

Sera's an alpha that generally doesn't have any time to waste on rank stereotypes so she only ever uses alpha posturing during her work hours to huff and puff at assholes. She's usually very affable and always ready for a good time, is pansexual and has no preference in either gender or rank. The thing about Sera is that she's flighty and doesn't settle much, leading to a life without many (or any) close friends and definitely no lasting romantic relationships.

In terms of lines please give me everything?? Her Bellomo to bodyguard for one, what's a bodyguard without a body to guard? Maybe that one friend that's stuck around despite Sera's attempts to appear as if she has no need of people at all, clients she had when she used to be an escort that maybe she's had flings with after the fact, former stripper friends, all the various people she parties with, current and previous flings, etc etc. Basically everything?? Gimme ♥

Apr. 5th, 2021



Ahoy hoy, Larissa here (now properly posted in the right comm) with the face that most people hope find when they're stuck in the ER -- Dylan LaMarc!

Originally from Boston, he's beta ex-Navy Lieutenant(well, Dylan's technically in the reserves now that he's out of active duty) doctor who currently works in the ER at Rush University Medical Center. As far as affiliation goes, he's a neutral party who appears to be a squeaky clean member of society.

However, for the past three or so years he'd been part of a network referred to as 'Doctors Without Orders' that offer medical services to those who are bypass the health system for various reasons. Those looking to acquire their services must adhere to a strict set of guidelines in order to do so, but the most important is 'leave trouble at the door, lest you end up on the floor.'

He's looking for any and all lines (ex's, on-call room snuggle partner, people he's patched up, friends, enemies, you name it). If there's any lines you're looking to fill, happy to use Dylan as spackle for those.

Apr. 4th, 2021



Heyyyy, I'm Alyssa Edwards Liz and I'm back back back again! (Seriously, I can't be stopped. I pick up characters like crazy.)

So this one requires a little explanation. This is Conor, and I've been playing him in some form or another since...2015? 2016? Something like that. And I've really missed playing him, so I thought I'd bring him along here, with a few game-specific tweaks.

Conor is an escort for the Bellomos, an omega, and a pistol and a half. Sass for days, but deep down (like really deep down), he's looking for that Alpha who can give him a firm hand and put him in his place. He has to exercise a lot of control in his day-to-day life, so he wants someone to give it up to.

He's a fun guy, though, and he'll go drinking with people he likes, he has a cat that he dotes on, and he eats too many jammie dodgers and flamin' hot cheetos. (Although not together. Gross.) He needs absolutely everything, so if you want something, hit me up!

Apr. 1st, 2021



Hello all! I'm Liz, currently working on this giant ginger goof. (Alliteration: nailed it.) This here is Duncan Flynn, Moran bonebreaker, former Army, got dishonorably discharged for getting into too many fights. He's got issues. He's an Alpha, and he's as likely to challenge you to a brawl as he is to talk to you.

He's still a work in progress, but I'm hoping to have him in for Saturday's adds. He needs connections like crazy, so if you want a cousin/brother/step-something/etc, let me know! We can try to make it work.

Mar. 31st, 2021



Hi Everyone! I'm Jess and I know at least a couple of you, possibly more since I've been RPing for a long time lol

I am planning on bringing in two at the moment. This is Angela Lancaster. She's a Moran cousin, an EMT/paramedic, and one of the Moran medics so you likely could see her at her job or her "job". LOL She's a Beta and originally from New Orleans so her accent can be distinct for sure. Obviously, she will have family connections with the other Morans as well as those affiliated with them so I'm all for figuring those dynamics. she could also use co-workers and associates, plus friends and hookups; she's pansexual and polyamorous so I'd really love those for sure!!

And then I have [info]zachaustin who is with the Bellomos and is one of their assassins. He's one of the siblings, ex-special forces, and Alpha and single. LOL He was close to being mated and they died many years ago so now he's much moodier and guarded so there is always room for that someone to get through that wall. Looking for lines and connections of all sorts.

If you have an idea for either throw them at me too.



Hi guys! I'm B and I don't believe I've played with this group before so it's nice to meet you all!

This is Rafaella Bellomo, but she goes by Rafe, and she's an omega and one of the six Bellomo siblings. She's the third born so not the oldest or the youngest. She's a trained chef and baker and worked in Sicily for a while before coming home and getting a job at Honey's Bakery. She tries to stay out of the family business and keep her nose clean as much as she can, but she's not completely ignorant and would do anything for her family. She's nice for the most part, she's usually trying to come up with new recipes or volunteering at various animal shelters.

I'd love to have the rest of her siblings in-game, especially if someone brings in a Matthew Daddario. I would especially love an Adam Driver for her unofficial alpha lover, they're not officially courting yet but they share their heats/ruts and are equally possessive of each other. What he does or if he's connected to the Bellomos in some way is completely up to whoever picks him up.

Mar. 30th, 2021



Hello, Cia here with my three:

[info]alentin Valentine is one of the Bellomo arms dealers, an omega who hails from Italy, is a father of two, and recently divorced his spouse of twenty-plus years. He's also the manager at the G Spot. He's been involved with the family for twenty years, has slept around quite a bit, and is making sure their gun lockers are well stocked for the inevitable resumption of hostilities between the families. Call him a pessimist, if you must.

I'd love to find his ex husband and his two adult children, as well as some casual hookups.

[info]maxwl Maxwell Rubinoff is the younger Rubinoff brother, a beta, and an all-round nice guy. No, really, he is. He all but graduated in active listening, is a great shoulder to cry on, and would love to hold your hand as you navigate life's tall hurdles. Tell him all your problems and all your secrets. He promises it won't bite you in the ass.

For him, I'd love his older brother as well as more people involved with the Rubinoff media machine. Contacts within the various other factions would also be great.

[info]antnia Antonia Moran is the new leader of the Moran clan. She's as ambitious as the stereotypical alpha, possessive, and most at ease when she's calling the shots. She's a Moran by blood and she puts family before all else... so long as she's the one leading that family. She can be quite maternal and affectionate, but she won't hesitate to whip people into shape if she feels they need it. She's currently single, although she was engaged with someone not long ago.

For Antonia, I would love her generals, allies and detractors within the family, and especially the Bellomo leader to have a frenemy thing with.

I'm also open to any and all other line ideas!



Sooooo, jumping in on this :D Sarah here with my 3 so far

This is Micky, he's working at Privilege, the Bellomo high end night club, as a stripper and, for the right amount of money, more in the backrooms ^^ He's a litte brat and has no filter between his brain and his mouth, though he does know when to shut up entirely. He loves music, plays piano and guitar, which he taught himself, but no one really knows about that. He has an older sister who was beaten up so badly a few years ago she ended up in a coma. When it was only machines keeping her alive, he pulled the plug and ran, so fun times if she actually came out of it alive? He needs friends and all the casual encounters to have fun with!

Then there's Nicky ([info]nickyabrahams), he's the younger son of Chicago's mayor, he's enrolled at Chicago Univesity to become a nurse. He's also deaf and lonely and sick and tired of both lol. While he's keeping up with all of his classes, he's also started acting out just a little, going to parties, hooking up with random strangers because by now he's convinced that's all he's going to get and before he ends up all by himself, he takes it. Anyways, friends, people who know his family, people who dislike his family or try to use him against them are all welcome! :D

And last but not least, there's Thomas ([info]thomasblake), who's adopted into the extended Moran family, but a detective for the CPD robbery-homicide division. So basically the white sheep of the black sheep family lol. What people don't know, not even his adoptive parents, is that he killed his birth father as a teenager after he abused his mother for years and years. So yeah, he'll probably be the one invesigating all the Bellomo and Moran related murders and such xD

Mar. 29th, 2021



Hello. I am F. I know most of y'all but here's a rundown post anyway.

This is Catherine, an omega Moran medic. She's a rough customer who dislikes most people unless they're weirdly gentle or nerds or just klutzy in general (which all describes her dead husband). She's been in this position for about five years and also works as a librarian.

[info]themaninred Caradoc Owens AKA Caro started off as a reaper ages ago and then in the past 4 years became a purser for the Morans. He's pretty quiet and slightly emotionless, a cold-hearted murderer who takes pride in his skill in torture when necessary. Right now, he bartends part-time at Jimmy's Pub and he's mated to Rory. They are kind of in a super fucked up relationship that has a lot of trigger warnings involved. XD Do not try to part them. Someone will die.

[info]orlandou Orlando Uccello is an escort for the Bellomo family. He's also a big ol' slut who likes to sing and perform. He's very friendly and cuddly and doesn't really like committing acts of violence. He just wants people to be happy okay?

[info]hellonheels_ Annie Boleyn works for the Rubinoff family producing adult films. She's a control freak who will kill anyone who gets in her way. She was also the start of many pornos herself, always in the dominant role. She runs a blog reviewing sex toys.



I thought now might be a good time to post for plot. I'm Kris, I think I know almost all y'all.

This one here is Vivek, an omega who does money laundering for the Morans. He owns a handful of businesses, including a few bodegas and a few strip clubs. He's somewhat known for a small coke habit (only on the weekends) and having at least one or two omegas in his bed every weekend for a fun little private party. Mostly gay but he'll make exceptions for special betas or alphas.

Then there's [info]philiprutledge, murder baby Reaper of the Moran clan. Sweet and quiet seeming omega who will creep out of a shadow and garrotte a dude with piano wire. Other than that, he enjoys sketching and playing piano and reading.

[info]tytremblay, soldier for the Bellomo family. He was originally from Montreal and has a twin brother (open!) in Boston working for a crime family there. He's got a best friend (open!) and is a pretty sweet, amicable guy.

And finally [info]blakehoward, publicist for Rubinoff Media. Blake is a former youtube star whose run-in with a violent fan totally changed him. He's all business now, more heavily guarded than Fort Knox.

And I'm here for plot. Gimme.

Hi everyone! I come begging for lines! This is Rory, a bonebreaker for the Moran family, a crazy little omega who is basically a serial killer with a job. I would love love love to get his family members, especially his father and his “twin” brother. They’re a close family that have been involved with the Morans since the 50s and they’ve learned how to deal with Rory and the fact that he’s honestly just as dangerous to them as he is to others. But they love him anyway :3

I would also love a friend (for Rory’s given value of friend) that isn’t involved with any crime at all, kids around his age in general for shenanigans, other employees at the Greenwood Hotel, maybe a secret Bellomo friend that he absolutely shouldn’t have?? :x and also an ex who doesn’t mind being used as a sometimes-pawn in Rory’s weird relationship mind games with his mate lmao.