The Best Deadly Sin [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

Bad news [Aug. 15th, 2011|03:00 am]

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With her arm in a sling and a filled prescription in her pocket, Riza went to the Best Deadly Sin to cut a potential explosion off at the pass, or set it off early before it could get to its full potential.

Either that, or Greed's bar would go up in an impressive light show, fueled by all the liquor on the site.

She walked in, careful not to let anyone bump her bad arm, and took a seat at the bar to wait for Roy to have a free moment.
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Plotty McPlotterson Has A Plot [Dec. 27th, 2009|09:10 pm]

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[mood |contemplative]

After finding out from Sarah that the alternates of himself and his brother who ran the Gate had a solution for his brother's heart issue, and of course, his brother was flatly refusing to even find out what the cost might be, let alone consider it, Al knew it was time to call in backup.

True, Ed had said not to say anything about it to anyone else in the family, but Al never actually agreed to do so either. He knew it ought to be a fairly slow night at the Best Deadly Sin, and something like that might result in Roy wanting a ready access of liquor around.

He walked in and strolled over to the bar, taking a seat and smiling perkily at Roy. "Hi, Mister Mustang." ♥ "I'd like an order of what the hell now with a side of I'm going to throttle him."

Might as well get to the point.
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