Sep. 16th, 2012


Stop looking at me like that, I wanted another teenager. Deal wiv it. Ivy Madrox, Layla/Jamie kid, has dupes.

Aaand just throwing this out there but are we assuming that a lot of the next gen kids go to the same school? Because safety stuff.

Sep. 14th, 2012


Yeah, so. New characters for every occasion. This is Keely Gwynn. I have no idea who her father is, but her mom is Pixie, and she got some nifty rainbow insect wings and hallucinogenic fairy dust. On the upside, she has total control over it ... usually. She hasn't accidentally dusted anyone in years. Surprisingly (or not, come on, look at this game), Keely is an engineering genius and got snapped up by Emma right out of college to work at Frost International. She works ... wherever the people who invent shit work. Yeah.

Aug. 22nd, 2012


I don't know who I blame for this, but I blame someone.

First up is Vanessa Logan, who is replacing Marisela because I got bored with her. Nessa has ~feral mutant~ powers and Wolverine claws, but she turned out to be a lot more interested in sciences and went into that instead, because weirdly enough she doesn't enjoy fighting. She's a forensic scientist for the NYPD and she's generally pretty cool and sassy Team Mom-ish.

Second is Aidan Drew [info]shallbeworthy, who was born Johann Schmidt and was the unholy spawn of Loki and the second Red Skull. As far as he knows he has no powers, but he has the ability to weild the Hammer of Skadi, so god help us if he ever finds it. In the meantime, he's a defense attorney for super rich, super guilty people. He's knee deep in the criminal underbelly of NYC but he keeps that shit under wraps. Other than that, he's generally pretty nice, well-liked and nonconfrontational.

Third is Sloane Bradley [info]bravada aka Bravo of the Valiants. She has super strength, invisibility, and the ability to tell if someone is telling the truth or not. She's from a military/cop family who's done a bunch of cool shit but everyone kept getting overshadowed by the legacy superheroes and shit. She has four older brothers (two in the army, one in the navy and the fourth in the air force), one of whom died in the bombing that killed Ashley Van Dyne and crippled Owen Rogers. She's currently in the NYPD Powers Division.

And last is Percy Petrakos [info]throughtheheart aka Eros of the Valiants. He's a Greek immigrant working as a makeup artist for Billy, Annabel and Felicity on their respective shows. He shoots arrows and stuff. When all four of us are on we gotta talk more about the Valiants re: their relationships and living situations and shit.

So there.

May. 17th, 2012


Soooo. This is Angel Carlysle, also known as THE MIGHTY SUNBIRD. Or just Sunbird, whatevah. She's Clare Richmond's sidekick by night. She's the unholy spawn of Copycat and Mephisto conceived in circumstances as yet unknown, and as a teenager Angel had a bit of an ... accident. I'm still working this part out but ultimately, just as Angel's powers were manifesting, something fucked up happened with Daddy and he cursed her.

Or him, as it were.

Angel basically started life with the most badass shapeshifting powers ever. She could imitate anyone's appearance and anyone's powers at the drop of a hat. At this point, no one remembers her real appearance or her real gender. Right around puberty, some shit went down with Mephisto and he cursed her so that she's a man with one set of powers by day and a woman with another set by night.

So male!Angel, by day, has the standard psychic/telekinetic set on the weaker side of things. Surface thoughts and small objects and all that. And he's a web and graphic designer who works from home, specifically so he won't get locked into anything that will keep him out past dark.

Female!Angel, on the other hand, moonlights as the superhero Sunbird. She glows and shit, and she can use her ~sunlight powers~ to blind, burn or heal.

She went to the X-school growing up.

Soooo friends? Plot? Anyone?

May. 11th, 2012


...Yeah, I know. Whatever.

So this is Dr. Mitra Qadir. He's the son of Dust and Elixir, and we're making insanely liberal use of comic time here. Elixir came back for a while, he and Sooraya got married and made a baby, and then when Mitra was about a year old he disappeared again because he's actually kind of a nut. Possibly after messing around with Mitra's genetics in the womb to make him healthy and intelligent and ... white. Hey, don't knock it, that's a big deal in America. So Mitra's a medical genius thanks to Daddy fucking around before he left. Years after Josh's disappearance, Sooraya considered herself divorced and took her maiden name back, and seeing as Mitra doesn't remember his father, he had his name legally changed when he was eighteen.

Sooo he's a doctor at Stark Memorial. He has healing powers, but he has to phase his hands through people's bodies to touch the exact parts that need to be healed and can only do as much work on someone as their body has the energy to allow him to. It's not ~magic~, necessarily, he's just speeding up the process and has to be careful not to break people in the process. He specializes in general surgery but tends to be thrown at whatever important case SM has at the moment. He's a Stark-level genius and the hospital likes to throw him at patients to be impressive, especially with rich families. He was on the surgical team that worked on Owen's injuries a few times, but a fuckton of people were on that team and Owen really interacted mostly with Cecilia, so he doesn't actually know. Yet.

Mitra's a practicing Muslim. He's a lot less conservative than his mother and his name usually gives him away before he mentions it. He is pretty strict about praying. Aside from that Mitra's a gentle kind of person who actively avoids conflict, specifically because he's worried of falling into his father's habits of impulsive, brutal murder methods (ew). He has a puppy or bunnies or something.

Apr. 17th, 2012


Sooo we're expandin'. We've got [info]true_comm (also public and with open membership) for a first generation sandbox, because we keep bitching about the character limit at PH. And this is just a ... take from canon what you like and ditch what you don't thing, as usual. I'm just going throw some ideas out there and y'all can decide if you dig 'em or not:

Avengers! (They're established bigshots and stuff.)

Steve Rogers / Captain America
Tony Stark / Iron Man
Carol Danvers / Ms. Marvel
Janet Van Dyne / Wasp
Bruce Banner / Hulk
Clint Barton / Hawkeye
Luke Cage / Powerman
Hank Pym / Giant Wasp Yellow Ant Man

Young Avengers! (No one's dead! Being dead sucks!)
Cassie Lang / Stature
Kate Bishop / Hawkeye II
Teddy Altman / Hulkling
Billy Kaplan / Wiccan
Eli Bradley / Patriot
Tommy Shepherd / Speed

Gert Yorkes & Old Lace
Chase Stein
Karolina Dean
Molly Hayes
Nico Minoru

Peter Parker / Spider-Man
Angela Del Toro / White Tiger
Anya Corazon / Spider-Girl
Matt Murdock / Daredevil
Felicia Hardy / Black Cat
Angelica Jones / Firestar
Tandy Bowen / Dagger
Any Corazon / Spider-Girl

bb Loki

MJ Watson-Parker
Dakota North
Pepper Stark
Jessica Jones

Pre-Civil War, pre-OMD, everyone loves each other, etc etc. So we can post here with the characters we want and someone will put up something silly and hilarity will ensue.

I'm grabbing Wasp, Echo and Spidey straight up. Aaaand Hulkling. Y'all can makes your claims and then I'll start grabbing other people, I just know I have sticky fingers and I want to give everyone else a chance at shit.

Mar. 28th, 2012


Hey, hos. It's Jen, and Kait talked me into making another character. Her fault. Yep. This is Nate Summers, bb of Polaris and Havok (new cousin for the Frost sisters, whoot whoot). He's 22 years old and grew up in the X-school, so he'd know all the X-babies. He was close to Billy when they were kids because Lorna and Alex were on Rahne's Approved People Who Can Babysit My Kid (And Who Aren't That Goddamn Queer) List and they all worked at X-Factor together. When Nate was nineteen and Billy was sixteen, Billy's mother died and Alex and Lorna took her remains to Scotland and just kinda stayed there. Nate decided to go with his parents and attend university in Scotland.

He's moved back on his own and is starting at ESU in the fall. He's going to be a librarian, because there's nothing sexier than a librarian, amiright? He was a really active kid, played lots of sports, was generally a bro, and is straight because around here I have to specify. Oh, and he has Magneto's powers. And he's nosy as fuck, what with his parents being PIs and all. It translates really well when you're a research nut and you're in college, not so much when he's talking to his friends and keeps going "tell me. tell me. tell me. seriouslyyyyy I want your secrets." And he's like a tumblr person who lives on the outside. He's kind of a self righteous shit. He'd get along well with Abby.

Feb. 11th, 2012



Frosty baby. Uh, probably with Scott Summers. SIBLINGS GUYS Evangelinaaaaa and I'm guessing people call her Eva or Eve or Lina or whatever, every time I pick a nickname for my character they end up getting a different one. She's a multi-billion dollar baby but she wasn't interested enough in the family company to end up working for it, so instead she's a big gay advocate and funds a shitton of nonprofit charities for rights and AIDS victims and ... stuff. Evie's a classy lipstick lesbian kind of lady who's decided not to shake her boobies at everyone because Emma is still looking good and doing that enough for everyone. Her designation in any group of friends would probably be "The Girl", albeit it a queer, feminist one.

Jan. 25th, 2012


it doesn't count if i scrap another character first )

Jan. 19th, 2012


marisela logan )

Jan. 11th, 2012


blah )

Jan. 4th, 2012


there are too many, you stfu )

Dec. 27th, 2011


I'm going to pretend I'm not craving bacon right now.

ANYWAY, this is Joanna Guthrie. She's Misha and Zeke's little sister (they're 28; she's 23) and was 10 when Zeke killed their daddy. Oops. She has pig-based powers, and I will do more research into what that actually means later. XD She obviously has the nose and ears, I think she has the tail, and she has cloven hooves instead of feet. Aaand she's particularly susceptible to things like the flu and bronchitis because she has relatively small lungs compared to other humans, so she has to treat respiratory illnesses like ~life or death~ every time she gets one. She's probably about the opposite of athletic. Oh, and she has enhanced smell. Yay.

She works for Stark Industries' agricultural division and is relatively high up the food chain. She's one of the people who keeps in contact with Sam about the intellicrops and is one of the genetic engineers. This being Marvel, she's a supergenius. Of course. Which is why she's 23 and has a PhD. Yay. She started going to Xavier's when she was 10. And I think she might be a little famous for being aggressive and short-tempered. She does not, however, make pig noises. Unless she's drunk.

Dec. 18th, 2011


roman wisdom )


belladonna w. )