Becky and Mecca's House of Crazy's Journal
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Wednesday, December 17th, 2008

    Time Event
    John had left Boulder and come to work in New York a few weeks ago. Since then he'd gotten busy with settling into his apartment, finding and going to the gym, and the usual rehersals and promotional work that went along with a Broadway production. He found his groove and settled into it.

    That was fine, except the groove also included a lot of partying, alcohol and drugs all over the place. He wasn't drinking or using but the temptation was there -- and much as he wished otherwise, Gus was useless for this. He was useless for this because Gus drank like a fish, smoked, and partied like a 21 year old frat boy.

    So, John didn't bother looking to Gus for support. He kept his head down and worked.

    And lured Geoff to the city.

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