Becky and Mecca's House of Crazy's Journal
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Saturday, January 19th, 2008

    Time Event
    Going back to Torchwood had been the right thing to do, but it hadn't been as easy as he'd expected. It hadn't been easy at all, actually. It had been walking away from a part of himself, a reminder of someone he'd loved, and someone he still cared about. That was hard as hell.

    Because it was hard, he hadn't gone back.

    He'd told the necessary lies, and told them until even Gwen had believed them. He'd sent the odd note -Christmas card, birthday card, alien toy- but he'd kept his distance. It took 17 months for the need to go back to fade enough for him to think maybe he could go back, and another month after that to even try.

    Morgan was a year and a half old when the SUV pulled up to the tiny house. Jack got up and made his way up the walk to the door, coat billowing around his legs, and knocked confidently on the door. His knock was confident. He didn't feel all that steady, suddenly, as he waited on Ianto to answer, and let himself wonder (for the first time in a long time) just what Morgan was like now.

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