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[26 Sep 2021|11:50am]

hi there! very nervously bringing you doctor strange in the form of iseul hyun, also known as issy, or isaac if he doesn't want to confuse a starbucks barista too much.

originally born in seoul, he moved to new york city with his family when he was about 7, and primarily grew up there. his family is a bunch of smarties and he was kinda destined to follow the same path but instead of becoming a fancy doctor he became... a forensic pathologist. he's held down a medical examiner job off and on, and ended up moving out of new york city after a mugging which left him with some serious injuries. his brother lived in san francisco, and it just seemed like a good idea to get away, and so he's made his little home here after only having planned to stay for like a month.. yeah that was like 6 years ago.

he's a book worm, and probably more comfortable around the non-talking dead than he is around normal, living, humans, but he's a sweet guy once you get to know him! he just takes a little coaxing. friends, people he might know through his doctor older brother, or through his job, would be loved! people he may have known from nyc, new connections, perhaps a roommate? i'm open and excited!
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[23 Sep 2021|03:19pm]

now that i've mostly figured this guy out i thought i'd come here and gather lines before i solidify and eventually apply. i'm going to be bringing in this guy who is also the green goblin. outside of his cv persona oliver is 44, originally from new york and born the son of a billionaire who owns a hedge fund and a socialite mother, a marriage of convenience and not love. his parents split when he was five and he stayed with his father in nyc while his mother moved to the uk. his whole life has been trying to find acceptance and love and he does some weird things to make that happen, mostly because he's had so much money he doesn't really know how to be a 'normal' person. he's charismatic enough, though in a off-beat sort of way. he's also extremely intelligent and was the coo of his fathers hedge fund, which in part led to the decline of his marriage and she left him when their son was five (history repeating itself). from there he hit the party circuit when he could, while still maintaining his coo position, trying to make it through the grind of something he never wanted. in 2015, he moved out west to be closer to his son and to start a biotech company. this is the shortened version of him and i have some more over here if you wanted to take a look!

i'm still in the process of working out several lines with members and right now i have pending lines with [info]spidey, [info]lied, [info]symbiose and [info]purloin and a few others who have reached out who i haven't had a chance to brainstorm with yet! that said, i'm happy to brainstorm anything you'd like and can still make edits to his bio and timeline, if there's a good fit for a line.
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[22 Sep 2021|08:26pm]

goodbye, jon! i'm here doing a cv swap out from jon kent to saint walker with a bunch of details changed. the tldr is that his parents were caught up in the hare krishnas and ended up being killed. he was taken into custody (after being lied to about it) and was adopted to a man named yuri. they moved to sacramento and after more or less being kept in the dark, ended up stumbling on the actual details of the crime and the cult as a teen. it more or less woke up an obsessive need to understand how people fall into that, how cults operate and what makes it separate from taught religions -- and flash forward to now where he's part of a various survivor groups, does reporting on information of cults and cult-adjacents and does some academic work on it too.

almost everything is getting changed -- except that he and ~osmiums are still dating and his secret actual birth mom is ~modifying. so i'm open to just about anything and to re-work old lines and make some new ones! exes (men generally as he's queer but nb folk are fine!), friends, people he's met around san francisco and sacramento, people who might've seen him on viceland and things like that, other pet owners and lanterns
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[22 Sep 2021|02:02pm]

almost ran to app without a ~bays, whoops! an oldie, but a baddie, this is yuriko ota, also known as lady deathstrike, long-time enemy of wolverine by comic standards, but current model and fashion merchandiser after graduating from the london college of fashion sometime in the early 2000s. she was born and raised in japan, the result of many private schools and formal education, under the expectance of following after her brother in ownership of their father's heavy industries empire. unfortunately, she hasn't had the chance yet, but those are slow working gears that have been going on for a few years and very likely in the ways you would expect out of someone as conniving as lady deathstrike. after graduation, she spent some time in new york city to avoid a gang war in japan (because who ever had clean ties in corporate environments~) before moving to boston where she hit her stride in the fashion industry, bouncing between one location and the other and crawling into boston's high echelon society... until 2020 when she moved to san francisco. presumably, it is to continue to follow career opportunities (considering she is nearing her late 30s), but one can never be so sure.

line-wise, she has none! i literally ripped the nails out of her proverbial coffin maybe a few minutes ago, so i'm down to plan out a n y t h i n g. friends, foes, former lovers and current romantic ventures, fellow fashion industry peers, potentially someone to work for, business owners or (as it stands) potential owners, an accountant who handles all her important stock business, bodyguards since she isn't very combat-efficient on her own, potential hitmen to thwart, pseudo-family, people she actually really does like since lady deathstrike can be a very cold bad bitch -- really a n y t h i n g because my tired brain can't come up with anything smart-aleck to say for line descriptions.
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[01 Sep 2021|09:44am]
happy september! i'm bringing in scarlet witch aka willa stevens to you all. willa is the older sister of [info]pyroish and was born and raised in nyc. she lost her parents at a young age and was raised by her aunt but she never felt like she had a strong sense of belonging because her aunt wasn't a great maternal figure. she's always been very close with her brother and that is the one connection that kept her going. she attended nursing school at nyu before going on to complete the midwife program. that was when she fell in love with a doctor who was older than her, the two were married but it ended when she found out he cheated. that was when she decided to pack up and move across the country and she's been in san francisco since 2016. she dated [info]optical and they were on the road to a good relationship but an incident had them growing further and further apart. despite this, willa has tried to work through her pain and grief in a healthy way and has found yoga and meditation to help her. she describes herself as a extroverted introvert, someone who isn't afraid to introduce themselves to strangers but also prefers to be a complete homebody. she's incredibly loyal, sensitive, empathetic but she gets in her own head a lot and lets her emotions define who she is at times. you can read more about her here and there are some content warnings at the top of the page!

in terms of lines, i'd love anything you'd like to give me. she's close with her brother so likely anyone who is friends with jesse probably knows willa as well. i'm very open to brainstorming so let's figure out a line!
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