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[21 Aug 2021|07:03am]
hello friends and happy saturday, thanks to a lot of supportive enabling i'll be bringing you a second disaster in the form of loki laufeyson—everyone's favorite sneaky undying hulk punching bag. in the au he's known as lorenzo (enzo pls) lombardi, loving older brother to [info]thunk, snarky best friend and podcast co-host to [info]alomancy (two scorpios in one friendship, no wonder they're insufferable) and professional author who's not the greatest at leaving his fancy af apartment and his stupid anxious little dog and might be 🤏 this close to becoming a shut in of his own free will.

he was born originally in la, grew up there for about the first 14ish years of his life before his parents divorced and he got ousted from the whole country and dragged to the uk to live with his terrifying and overbearing rich snob of a mother in london. he met jack in an alley somewhere ig and the two of them struck up a lifelong adversarial friendship wherein to this day people don't actually believe they like each other but there's LOVE there, deep down, probably, that only really comes out when one of them is unconscious or too drunk to remember. this led to some shifty goings on with jack's little sister [info]ultrasonic whom he enjoys very much but largely opts to see her naked to annoy jack (and it works.) he moved to the sf area roughly 6-7 years ago after hopping around the globe to escape the toxic influence of his Mother and doesn't enjoy leaving the state anymore because it's the only place warded heavily against her demonic presence ✝️

uhhhh as an author he veers paranormal, pens a lot of terrible one shot supernatural smut for fun under one (female) pen name and a longish running urban fantasy series very similar to the dresden files but marginally less neckbeardy under another (female) pen name and is a close personal friend of jkr. he makes decent coin but spends an excess of his family's cash mostly just to spend it spitefully, lives in some ridiculously huge apartment and finds few reasons to leave it unless he's being dragged forcibly out for work-related things OR there's some dope haunted antique up for sale at an auction house somewhere or a bogo crystal sale at the neighborhood new age store (!! need more jasper and obsidian to empower his spirit and cure his millennial depression !!)

i need so many LINES please, so far he's pals with [info]abyssal and [info]regrown, has a fanboy in [info]spidey and the aforementioned lines with [info]thunk♥, [info]alomancy and [info]ultrasonic! he's in desperate need of some exes (gender irrelevant), neighbors (i haven't decided where he lives yet, though probably some monstrous high rise in a Cool part of town), more friends who put up with his trollish slytherin bullshit, ✨magic pals✨, more london connections, school friends at oxford, WHATEVER i'll take anything and everything please 🥺

ps: bio here
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