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Wednesday, May 13th, 2009

    Time Event
    My Favourite Game - Chapter 6

    Original poster: elvis_a

    Title: My Favourite Game
    Author: [info]elvis_a
    Pairing: Batman/Joker
    Disclaimer: I own nothing.
    Rating: G through NC-17
    Chapter 6/??
    Summary: "There was no such thing as self-control anymore. The Joker laid the trap and Batman came running back every time, helplessly wrapped up in a game of 'catch the clown'."

    Hurt Me

    Here's the newest chappy, the one that earns this fic its NC-17 rating for sure. Lots of sex and fluff, so consider yourself warned. :D

    Previous Chapters

    Team Anarchy--Round 9--"The Date, Part IV"--Fic

    Original poster: ragcat

    Title: "The Date, Part IV"
    Author: Ragcat
    Prompt: Carve your name into my arm--Every Me and Every You (Placebo)
    Word Count: 1074
    Disclaimer: I don't own Batman or Joker, or Nolanverse or DC Comics anything.
    Rating: Strong R
    Warnings: Slash, sex, language
    Summary: Bruce really enjoyed his date with the Joker.

    Links to previous chapters:
    Part V: http://community.livejournal.com/batmanjoker/419747.html
    Part III: http://community.livejournal.com/batmanjoker/411280.html
    Part II: http://community.livejournal.com/batmanjoker/408069.html
    Part I: http://community.livejournal.com/batmanjoker/402157.html

    A raucous night of lascivious behavior )

    Current Mood: flirty
    Current Music: "Criminal Minds"

    Highschool encounters

    Original poster: highkiller

    High School
    Rating: NC-17 (very soon!)
    Pairings: Bruce/Jack (joker)
    Side Pairings: Ra's Al Ghul/Johanthan Crane, Alfred/Lucius, Edward/Harvey
    Disclaimer: I own nothing, they belong to their rightful owners.
    Summary: Before Bruce went to college, Before The Joker became what he is. It's time to visit them in High School!
    Authors Note: This was actually a Role Play me and an Real-life Friend did over the phone. It's an old RP and as such, somethings may seem odd.
    Why did I choose the Name Jack? It's the Jokers REAL NAME! Jack Napier, I've been a fan of the comics long before the Chris Nolan films, as such I know from experience that this is his real name.
    Johnny is not in Gerogia, he's now here in Gotham cause I say so, this is FICTION after all.
    On with the (smut) story!

    Still don't know how to cut o-o;


    My cat had her kittiens! (just had to throw that out there >->; )

    Current Mood: ecstatic
    Current Music: kittens meows

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