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Tuesday, May 12th, 2009

    Time Event
    Death is the punch line - Chapter 1

    Original poster: twistedjoke

    Title : Death is the punch line
    Author : twistedjoke
    Part : 1/?
    Rating : NC-17
    Word count : 2116
    Pairings : Joker/Batman/Bruce Wayne, with hints of Joker/Jonathan Crane
    Disclaimer : I own nothing. For when I asked Santa Claus for clowns, bats and scarecrows, he went ranting about perverted fangirls and fled away.
    Warnings : Slight AU, I guess – concerning some mentions of the characters' pasts. Plus darkness, violence, blood, ideologically disturbing material, mentions of rape, incest, sex, M/M relations
    Summary : When Bane threatens to get hold of Gotham and kill the Batman, the Joker is ready to fight for his territory ... Whatever the cost may be.

    Chapter 1 : Bane

    Team Anarchy|Round 9|Fanartz

    Original poster: zuko_lollipop

    Yo. Haven´t drawn my favorite guys in a while. Sorry for that. =P Can I make it up to you by some PG material? ^^

    Promt 9: Carve your name into my arm (Every you and every me-Placebo)
    Rating: PG-13. One is kinda smutty, althought they not actually doing or showing anything

    2 pics under here )</div>
    How comes that stupid </div> always showes up after my cuts? >:(

    Current Mood: hungry
    Current Music: Death Cab for Cutie - A Lack of Color

    Fairy tale

    Original poster: xellass_huang

    OK I guess I drew this because I'm pretty depressed. :(

    To the four-page comic )


    Original poster: rancid_rainbow

    I made some new icons this evening, just because!

    Clowny icons under the cut )

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