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Sunday, May 10th, 2009

    Time Event

    Original poster: lijahlover

    Rating:NC-17 for language and graphic sex.
    Word Count:100
    Warnings:Brutal sex with a demanding Joker and a possessive Batman
    Disclaimer:They don't belong to me...
    betaed by no one so sorry for any mistakes!

    This is for [info]hogwartsvixxxen Who gave me this pairing in the meme of what pairing I'd probably never write.

    Read more... )

    Team Knight - Round 9 - Yellow Spots, part 7 [Fanfic]

    Original poster: thanks_to_god

    Title: Yellow spots
    Pairing: Batman(Bruce)/Joker
    Rating: PG-15 (i suppose)
    Words: ~2800
    Warnings: slash, violence, sexual content
    Disclaimer: don't own anything
    Summary: Something happens with the Joker, something that may change his life forever
    Beta: elizabeth_elf

    Sorry for the delay but i did have a terrible week :(
    Also, i've finally got a real beta! =D Thank you, Liz, dear! <3
    Now, the chapter may seem a little depressing, but things will get better later :)

    Current Mood: accomplished
    Team Anarchy--Round 9--"The Date, Part III"--Fic

    Original poster: ragcat

    Title: "The Date, Part III"
    Author: Ragcat
    Prompt: Carve your name into my arm--Every Me and Every You (Placebo)
    Word Count: 725
    Disclaimer: I don't own Batman or Joker, or Nolanverse or DC Comics anything.
    Rating: Strong R
    Warnings: Slash, sex, language
    Summary: The Joker really enjoyed his date with Bruce.
    Links to previous chapters:
    Part V: http://community.livejournal.com/batmanjoker/435405.html
    Part IV: http://community.livejournal.com/batmanjoker/415906.html
    Part II: http://community.livejournal.com/batmanjoker/408069.html
    Part I: http://community.livejournal.com/batmanjoker/402157.html

    * * *
    The Joker liked that )

    Current Mood: contemplative
    Current Music: none

    Team Knight - Round 9 - (Fanart) Play A Game

    Original poster: thesingingbush

    Okay. So. This isn't a story (obviously) but it's something I've been wanting to do since I started writing this series, and FINALLY drew it up and got it done. WHEW! My hand aches. I don't know how to do photoshop, so the whole thing is hand drawn. And colored. Even if you don't read my series, please take a look at it and tell me what you think, okay? Comments (and yes, even critics) are very welcome. Don't worry, I'll update the story eventually. I'm just really sick right now, and am slowly recovering. Yay.

    Also, if anyone out there would care to beta for me, I'd appreciate it. I need one. :/

    Warning: Blood, graphic use of Barbed wire (Yep. That black wirey thing around him is barbed wire. Use your imagination. You can see it if you squint hard enough...shut up.) I was going to do lots of blood around him too, but my hand hurts and is completely cramped up, so maybe I'll update on it later, if you ppl want more. Oh, and be careful when clicking on it; IT'S HUGE. *smiles?*

    Otherwise, enjoy. ^w^

    You're Mine, Forever )

    Current Mood: sick
    Current Music: Whale Song - Humpback Whales XD

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