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Saturday, May 9th, 2009

    Time Event
    Team Anarchy - Round 8 - Fanfic: "Command Performance"

    Original poster: mayphoenix

    Title:  "Command Performance"
    Author: MayPhoenix
    Prompt: "All the world’s a stage, And all the men and women merely players: They have their exits and their entrances; And one man in his time plays many parts." - As You Like It (Act II, Scene VII)
    Word Count:  736
    Disclaimer: I own nothzink! I see nothzink!

    Rating: NC-17
    Warnings: That would be giving it away, wouldn't it?
    A/N: This is dedicated to my good friend [info]jean_c_pepper …because she needs/deserves a pick-me-up today.

    The curtain rises... )

    Current Mood: awake
    Team Anarchy - Round 8 - Short Sequential Part 5

    Original poster: loony_lucifer

    Sequential Thing That Needs a Title (Part 5)
    Rated: PG-13
    Prompt 8: All the world’s a stage, And all the men and women merely players: They have their exits and their entrances; And one man in his time plays many parts.
    --As You Like It (Act II, Scene VII)

    Read the beginning here.

    View under cut. )


    Joker on the other side of the bullets. Outside of makeup and his criminal role, instead he gets to play the victim, for once. Scene from Slipping Into Entropy.

    Team Anarchy - Round 8 - Fanfic: "Happy Birthday, Mr. Wayne"

    Original poster: mayphoenix

    Title:  "Happy Birthday, Mr. Wayne"
    Author: MayPhoenix
    Prompt: "All the world’s a stage, And all the men and women merely players: They have their exits and their entrances; And one man in his time plays many parts." - As You Like It (Act II, Scene VII)
    Word Count:  1,515
    Disclaimer: Copyright, schmopyright. Try and sue me, mo-fo! HA! (Anarchy RULES!) 

    Rating: R-ish
    Warnings: The surgeon general has found no reason why you shouldn't read porn.
    A/N: This is dedicated to my fellow Taurus, 
    [info]mahala_ac  – Happy (belated) Birthday, sweetie! (And yes, more "Saved" is coming soon!)


    They say it's your birthday... )


    Current Mood: cheerful
    Round 8 of the Knight vs Anarchy Team Challenge is now closed

    Original poster: overlithe

    Round 8 of the Knight vs Anarchy Team Challenge is now closed. I will be announcing this round's winner and the Round 9 prompt in a few hours' time.

    Team Challenge Round 8 winner & Round 9 prompt

    Original poster: overlithe

    We've added up the points for Round 8 of the Team Challenge (don't forget you can sign up for the Challenge at any time by clicking on the link provided), checked and rechecked the tallies and we are now ready to announce the winner.

    So, for Round 8 of Knight vs Anarchy 2009, the winner is:

    Team Anarchy with 62 points

    And Team Knight scored 56 points.

    The MVPs for each team were

    [info]loony_lucifer, who scored 24 points for Team Anarchy
    [info]thanks_to_god, who scored 29 points for Team Knight

    Congratulations, you two! [info]chosenfire28 will be making some banners to reward you for all your hard work and we'll be posting those as soon as they're done, along with the MVP banners for round 7.

    Those who were tallying points at home will know how amazing this round was: Team Knight was way in the lead from the start, but in the last few days of the competition the race heated up and Team Anarchy squeezed into the lead in the last few hours of the competition. I hope we'll all be able to make the next round every bit as productive and exciting.

    I will be posting a master list of all the works submitted for round 8 later on.


    Now it's time for Round 9 to start. This round will last until 11:59pm PDT on May 22nd and the prompt is:

    Carve your name into my arm.
    --Every Me and Every You (Placebo)

    The works don't have to include the exact wording of the prompt, which is meant to serve as inspiration. How you interpret it is entirely up to you.

    Rules for Posting

    Please observe the following rules when posting:

    (1) Use the following subject header for your posts: Team [Knight/Anarchy] - Round [x] - Title [or type of work]

    For instance, if you're on Team Anarchy and made some icons, your subject header would be Team Anarchy - Round 9 - Icons

    (2) Please tag your entries with the tags we've created for the Team Challenge. These are:

    knight vs anarchy round 9 (for all entries)
    team anarchy
    team knight

    Obviously, use only the appropriate team tag for your entry.

    (3) Fanfic must be at least 500 words in length and must include the following header:

    Prompt: (copy the wording of the prompt here)
    Word count:
    Disclaimer: (if you'd like, you can use the general disclaimer in the community's info page)
    Warnings: (if any)

    You can include any other information you'd like, eg, summaries and author's notes. Please put the text of the fic under an LJ-cut. It's very important that you include a word count, as points for fanfic are based on word count, and including your own word count saves us a great deal of work. Do not include any headers, notes, etc in your word count, only the actual text of the story itself. Also, please make sure you only count the number of words in the fic after you've finished any editing, as this makes life much easier for us mods.

    Batman and the Joker don't have to be physically present in your story, but the story has to include references to both characters and the dynamic between them.

    (4) Art and icons don't need a header, but please include the prompt wording in your post, and label adult/NSFW material accordingly. All art larger than 200x200 pixels must be placed under an LJ cut, and any images that are NSFW must be placed under an LJ cut regardless of size.

    (5) Please don't use anything that's already been publicly posted before the challenge (including in your personal LJ). All works submitted for the challenge should have been finished within the challenge's time frame. (However, it's fine to continue something you started before the challenge.)


    Scoring Rules

    Fanfic: 500 words minimum, 1 point for every 500 words (so, 500-1000 words = 1 point, 1000-1500 words = 2 points, etc)
    Fanart: 1 point per piece
    Banners/Headers/Wallpapers: 1 point per piece, 0.5 points for different versions of the same image (eg, if you make a wallpaper and then resize it to make a header but make no further alterations, it's 1 point for the wallpaper and 0.5 points for the header)
    Icons: 0.5 points per icon
    Fanvids (made from pre-existent footage): 1 point for each 90 seconds of footage
    Original videos (eg, traditional animation, stop-motion, etc): 1 point for each 20 seconds of original footage


    Remember that you don't have to participate in every round, and that you can post as many fics/art/icons/etc as you're able to finish before the May 22nd deadline. Hope you all enjoy this round and if you have any questions, comments, etc, please post them here or contact us via e-mail (our addresses are in the community's info page) or LJ PM. Good luck, everyone!

    Also, for those who've been wondering if the Team Challenge will continue after round number 10, yes, we are planning on continuing the challenge if there's sufficient interest from the community.
    My Favourite Game - Chapter 4

    Original poster: elvis_a

    Title: My Favourite Game
    Author: [info]elvis_a
    Pairing: Batman/Joker
    Disclaimer: I own nothing.
    Rating: G through NC-17
    Chapter 4/??
    Summary: "There was no such thing as self-control anymore. The Joker laid the trap and Batman came running back every time, helplessly wrapped up in a game of 'catch the clown'."

    Chapter 4: Foolish

    Previous Chapters:

    Chapter 1: Cat and Mouse

    Chapter 2: Playing Rough
    Chapter 3: Defeated

    Round 7 MVP banners

    Original poster: overlithe

    Hi everyone, here are the banners [info]chosenfire28 made for the MVPs in round 7 of Knight vs Anarchy, [info]thanks_to_god and [info]mayphoenix. Hope you two like them!

    Team Knight Round 7 MVP Banner )

    Team Anarchy Round 7 MVP Banner )

    My Favourite Game - Chapter 5

    Original poster: elvis_a

    Title: My Favourite Game
    Author: [info]elvis_a
    Pairing: Batman/Joker
    Disclaimer: I own nothing.
    Rating: G through NC-17
    Chapter 5/??
    Summary: "There was no such thing as self-control anymore. The Joker laid the trap and Batman came running back every time, helplessly wrapped up in a game of 'catch the clown'."

    Just Stay

    Previous Chapters:

    Chapter 1: Cat and Mouse

    Chapter 2: Playing Rough
    Chapter 3: Defeated
    Chapter 4: Foolish

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