May. 24th, 2010


Fic: What Price Love

Title: What Price Love
Fandom: Torchwood
Pairing (portrayed by):
1. Jack Harkness/Ianto Jones (John Brrowman/Gareth David-Lloyd)
2. past Ianto Jones/Lisa Hallett (Gareth David-Lloyd/Caroline Chikezie)
Summary: Loving Ianto comes at a crushing cost, but Jack is willing to pay...whatever the price.
Warnings: OOC Ianto, angst, H/c if you can accept comfort or healing in the form of consensual pain. previous hetero relationship...well, guess I should mention there is tazer torture and the death of an immortal, who comes back just as sensual as ever.(Can't keep a good sex demon down, can ya?)
Acknowlegements: This story is dedicated to Kate, who asked for Evil!Ianto. Hope this comes close to what you want.
Spoilers: Cyberwoman, big time.
Notes: The Cyberwoman details come from the episode case notes in "The Torchwood Archives" published by BBC Books
Prompt: All_Unwritten Prompt #947 - burn marks
Disclaimer: Torchwood belongs to Davies and the BBC.

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