June 16th, 2010

[info]peja in [info]barrowmanland

Fic: Team Pet

Title: Team Pet
Author: peja
Fandom: Torchwood
Characters/Pairing [portrayed by]:
1. Jack Harkness/Charles Gaskell [John Barrowman/Cornelius Macarthy]
2. Alice Guppy/ Emily Holroyd [Amy Manson/Heather Craney] mentioned
Rating: FRT
Prompt: "Team Pet" issued from tw100
Warnings: angst
Genre: slash
Summary: Jack ponders running or going back to Charles.
Series: Freaks and Lovers. Second in series, sequel to "Pet Freak" http://www.squidge.org/~peja/cgi-bin/viewstory.php?sid=46452
Series Summary: This is the story of Billy and Sue, an age ole' story, with a moral too...but Billy had to die, and when you learn the reason why, you'll hang your head and cry...oops, wrong couple...Jack and Charles. Harkness and Gaskell, that is. Wrong story too, cuz Jack can't die. He can only wish he could.
Series location: http://www.squidge.org/peja/cgi-bin/series.php?seriesid=801
Spoilers: Mention of episode "Fragments"
Permission to archive to WWOMB: Yes
Acknowledgments/Notes: About the Requested Fic order....I'm skipping ahead on this one since this is this week's prompt over at tw100. Will get back to the "Andromeda/Angels 4"piece soon as I post this.
Disclaimer. Torchwood, Jack Harkness and Charles Gaskell do not belong to me, their are the creation of one Richard Davies. That said, no money made in this

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