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[16 Sep 2009|06:42pm]
Who: Paige & Cole
What: Just random talk
When: Wednesday afternoon sometime
Where: The internet
Rating: PG (language, mention of drug use)
Status: Complete

Cole! Guess what? I never went to sleep! )
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[16 Sep 2009|08:21pm]
Who: Paige, Cole, & Noah
What: Paige is at work, it's a boy's night
When: Wednesday night, around 10pm
Where: The Pulse (strip club)
Rating: PG-13 (language, mention of drug use, adult situations)
Status: In Progress

Do that thang up, mami make it roll, once you pop lock drop it for me baby get low, if your mama gave it to you babygirl let it show... )
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[ viewing | September 16th, 2009 ]
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