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[08 Nov 2013|08:29pm]
hello everyone, meet ivy, a 7th year ravenclaw (i'm assuming). she's a muggle-born and can be pretty insecure about it, feeling like she has sooo much to catch up on in the wizarding world so she studies twice as hard as her peers and feels she has to excel in every subject. she's really bubbly, quirky and annoyingly talkative, the girl could probably have a conversation with a wall, but it's really because she feels so much more accepted in the wizarding world. when she was in muggle school, she used to come home crying constantly and always begged her parents to move until she received her hogwarts acceptance letter. she was definitely more shy during her earlier years at hogwarts, but has come out of her shell especially in the past two years. everything else you need to know is here and she could use everything. friends, a possible crush she can follow around like a puppy dog (because she completely doesn't know what to do when it comes to boys), someone who has bullied her and has forced her to stand up for herself finally, and anything else you can come up with. i'm down to brainstorm.
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