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[13 Nov 2013|09:59pm]

dreamwidth custom exchange post

because of how unreliable ij has been and due to possible downtime, we have decided to make a post for those who would like to temporarily exchange customs on dreamwidth so you can still interact. sorterstime will be available throughout this period for in-character discussion and as always, we have hugwarts on aim. if you need an invite, don't hesitate to comment the mod journal!
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[10 Nov 2013|11:36am]

while i work on her bio, i figured i'd post here so this is lottie cout, a muggle-born meta. growing up, being a meta, her parents didn't know what was wrong with her and were so ashamed and embarrassed by her that they quickly took her out of school when her ability started showing up and homeschooled her. she didn't have friends and they rarely let her leave the house. due to this, she grew bitter and really resented her parents. when she turned eleven and got her letter to hogwarts, everything started to make sense and she finally felt like she could finally belong somewhere. on the hogwarts express, she met [info]freddie and opened up about her life and the two of them have been really good friends ever since. throughout her years at hogwarts, she distanced herself from her parents and stopped going home for holidays during her second year, and i would love to find someone who let her go home with them for summers. as a result of her parents embarrassment, she grew to have a disdain for muggles in general and thinks they just don't understand and that they're closed minded. she hates the fact that she came from muggles, but has come to accept it as well as the other hurtful things in her past, and has come a long way since her first year at hogwarts. she's a lot less bitter now, and extremely friendly. she was a little guarded when she first arrived at hogwarts though and wasn't always the nicest person, so there's that. now, she lives in london and is an auror-in-training. i'm probably leaving stuff out, but that's the basic ideas. i'd love to find a roommate for her especially as well as everything else and i'm down to brainstorm.
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[10 Nov 2013|03:49am]

it's about time i made one of these, but since it's late and i'm on my phone i'll try to keep it short. this is meredith yaxley, seventh year gryffindor. she's [info]efy's younger sister and [info]caedan's cousin. meredith is a total adrenaline junkie. she operates almost completely on the principle that if something is fun/interesting that it's worth doing, otherwise why bother with it? she's one of those obnoxious people who is insanely good with her school work with little effort involved, however she wastes that natural talent by never applying herself more than absolutely necessary to avoid having a letter sent home to her parents. mummy and daddy have the wool pulled over their eyes and truly believe in the sweet and innocent act she puts on around them. her older brother, elliott, is far from convinced and knows her probably better than anyone. she values friendships more than family (brother excluded), is always up for adventure no matter how dangerous, and dearly loves automobiles and calacas.

i don't have any specific lines in mind that i want filled for her, though i wouldn't turn my nose up at guys/girls for friends, exes, party pals, enemies, etc. all the usual suspects really. brainstorming is the best so let's do it!
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ok bear with me! [09 Nov 2013|12:12pm]

cal bremby is 18, going on 19. he has a terrible, terrible temper. he's very loyal to those closest to him and very much values friendships he can get due to the descrimination giants can get for simply being a giant. he's adopted, though, his adoptive mother really the only kind member of his family to him. he has two siblings who are much older and actually biological children to the couple. he's actually got a huge imagination and is definitely a romantic. despite being a loner he tries to fit in the best he can but grudge can sometimes be his middle name. like an elephant, he never forgets. his two best friends are [info]higgins and [info]athinia who were also like his protectors and the common sense he didn't have (at least ~athinia for the latter!). [info]freddie was and still is his tormentor and has on more than one occasion taken his aggression out toward her on a piece of furniture in the common room or an unsuspecting lower year's textbooks. after graduation, he decided to follow in the footsteps of his best friends and become a healer. though there were other reasons for his decision, he's currently very happy and in the middle of his first year of training. all in all he isn't the brightest but he tries hard and has big ideas. he doesn't forgive easily and if he wasn't teased for his sluggish gigantic ways it was for abnormally short wand which reached all of, just barely, 7.5 inches. i would love to get people who were scared of him, mean to him, nice to him, everything there is and more!! brainstorming is always encouraged as well.
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[08 Nov 2013|08:29pm]

hello everyone, meet ivy, a 7th year ravenclaw (i'm assuming). she's a muggle-born and can be pretty insecure about it, feeling like she has sooo much to catch up on in the wizarding world so she studies twice as hard as her peers and feels she has to excel in every subject. she's really bubbly, quirky and annoyingly talkative, the girl could probably have a conversation with a wall, but it's really because she feels so much more accepted in the wizarding world. when she was in muggle school, she used to come home crying constantly and always begged her parents to move until she received her hogwarts acceptance letter. she was definitely more shy during her earlier years at hogwarts, but has come out of her shell especially in the past two years. everything else you need to know is here and she could use everything. friends, a possible crush she can follow around like a puppy dog (because she completely doesn't know what to do when it comes to boys), someone who has bullied her and has forced her to stand up for herself finally, and anything else you can come up with. i'm down to brainstorm.
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ooc megapost! details below! [06 Nov 2013|01:24am]


HELLO BABIES, i'll try to get right to the point but if you've ever dealt with me you know i can get long-winded so i'm sorry already! we've done a few of these posts in the past and they've been pretty successful so i'm hoping we can be just as successful with this one. if you're new or you weren't around for the others, this is just going to be a massive backstoried post where EVERYONE is welcome (and encouraged!) to participate. here and here are examples of how this has gone in the past. i'll be posting a few prompts in the first few comments if you all want to give input and have the opportunity to discuss anything you want with other members so we can get some common ground on any ideas, but if you're shy you're more than welcome to comment [info]sorters drop-box directly instead. no pressure!

any potential newcomers lurking around these parts that want to hop in are also welcome so this isn't exclusive to current members only!

aside from those prompts, the rest of the idea for this post is fairly simple. introduce your character with either a short blurb or a link to your bio/facts or even link any past narrative(s) you've written or update(s) you've made--anything to give insight into your character so we can all get to know one another a little better and open up the possiblity for customs and/or scenes between people you may have never thought you'd had a connection with before. it's also a good place to note whether you prefer interaction via customs only, aim only, or if you're good with either of the two. you can ask for something as simple as the person your character sat next to in potions class and had the misfortune of daily explosions, someone who used to tutor your character when they were a student, the person that consistently tripped your character in the corridors--the sky's the limit! once you've introduced your character (and asked for specifics or even just asked for people to interact with at random, this is all up to you!) feel free to comment around on other people's replies.

since this is going up so late for some of us please feel free to keep using it through tomorrow or however long you'd like!

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[23 Oct 2013|09:35pm]
HELLO GUYS i'm bringing this guy in and i can't decide if i want him to be a 7th year or a '13 alum in healer training because i'm terrible but before i start working on him thoroughly and stuff, i figured i'd see if i could fill any lines or something
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[23 Oct 2013|01:43am]
hi everyone, i have no idea where to start with this!! some of you already know effy, who is supposed to be a seventh year hufflepuff but is instead a complete mess of a drop out who is currently living in london, not knowing what to do with herself. it's probably best to start this off by saying that effy suffers from rapid cycling bipolar disorder, which is not known to many people in character, but is slightly obvious once you speak to her for any long period of time. there's also the fact that she had a prolonged stay in st. mungo's in a younger year, as well as a brief visit to a muggle hospital shortly after wizstock. i only say this first as to give reason for her current situation, which has a lot to do with destructive behaviour and self medicating, as well as anything anyone else can offer that would count as a bad influence. in earlier years (and up until this past summer), effy was the type of person to force herself in to as many friendships as possible, as she finds people extremely interesting, no matter their history or moral ambiguity. when her moods are "normal", she's generally very upbeat and pleasant, but leaving hogwarts has caused a little bit of her cheer to dull. OBVIOUSLY SHE MUST SOUND LIKE A WHOLE BUNCH OF FUN, but really, i would love lines with anyone she hasn't interacted with, customs from everyone (99% of the ones i had for people previously are gone, i apologise), and anything you could throw at me. even someone who could possibly maybe supply her with drugs. sorry this is a complete mess and waste of time, but i've missed you all!
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[22 Oct 2013|12:55am]
SOOOOORRRRTTTTEEEERRRRSSSSS i have never ever in my entire career as a sorterian posted in backstoried so let's all celebrate this momentous occasion together. for those of you i don't know, hi!! this is sasha kingford, '12 ravenclaw alumna and possible spawn of satan. she basically spent her entire career at hogwarts stomping around and barking orders and insults at people, and then in fifth year she was chosen to be a prefect and the power essentially went to her head and turned her into a full-blown terrorist SO if anybody needs a catalyst for their PTSD, she's your girl! after hogwarts, she went to a wizarding science school in ireland for a year, then dropped out, moved to france and found herself at the bottom of a bottle of merlot so now she's significantly more likable and can hold a conversation without making the other person cry. she's almost a whole person! i'm mostly only posting this because there are lots of beautiful new faces that i don't know but i would like to, so comment here and we can figure out how your character would have meshed (or clashed) with old sasha, and then we can exchange customs and i'll shower your inbox with love and affection and way too many comments. also, if your character is interested in drugs, conspiracy theories, rap music, demons, science, alcohol, pets, or traveling to sunny places, and/or if you don't mind your character being or having been emotionally manipulated, you should definitely come to me. 1 2 3 GO!!!
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[21 Oct 2013|08:26pm]

HELLO LOVELY PEOPLE OF SORTERS, HEAR YE HEAR YE this is charlisa knuth-mitnick, but she goes by charlie most of the time and i would like lines with every single one of you. she's from a very old, long line of purebloods, one of her great grandparents was a minister of magic at one point, and her family is pretty big in the ministry but i haven't decided much else beyond that as far as family goes. if there are any purebloods who would like a cousin, i'm here for you! she's a seventh year, i haven't decided what house she'll lean towards yet. her mother is a stay at home stepford wife sort of woman, and she and charlie don't really see eye to eye very often. her father works for the ministry, and he spoils the crap out of his little girl. i'm thinking she probably has an older brother, too.

i have a ton of ideas but i'm awful at putting them into actual sentences, so i'm sorry if this is all a lot of useless crap. she was probably kind of a huge snot when she was young, her family is extremely well off and in all likelihood, she thought she was better than everyone else. but as often happens, she grew up a little and rebelled and became a little friendlier. don't get me wrong, she's probably still totally spoiled, but she likes to pretend she isn't. she'd probably find muggle borns absolutely fascinating, she's probably kind of a baby, and is thought of as a bit of a prude. i'm probably missing a whole bunch of stuff, but we can still work out some lines anyway, i'm sorry if this is in no way remotely helpful
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i have facts listed in the link in my journal just go there. [20 Oct 2013|10:56am]

i don't remember how to do this?? this is freddie (and various other people) and i missed you guys so HELLO. she's a '13 slytherin dropout and i really don't know what to ask for in terms of lines because her memory is nonsensical but we can attempt it anyway or just give me customs/tell me if you want yours back or want one if you don't already have one. for anything backdated she went by the name winnie until her sixth year when she turned into a bitter violent mess and probably tried to beat your character up, then after a series of tl;dr events during the summer before seventh year she likely forgot it ever happened so there's that. this is wildly informative if you have questions feel free to just ask and i'll clarify or just ignore all of this and we'll share cat gifs instead xoxoxoxo
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[19 Oct 2013|06:55pm]

i am slowly but surely making my way through a bio right now but i was wondering if anyone would be interested in figuring out some lines? she's a '13 alum, a healer in training (she's looking forward to first floor, creature induced injuries) and i have no idea about what i specifically need so i can just give you a short blurb on what i know about her and see what you got! i genuinely have no idea what house she'll end up in though i think hufflepuff is definitely off the table. anything else is fair game though, so no real help there. she was adopted at a young age after some pretty dark stuff happened to her very nice family of four and her brother was shipped off to live with her grandmother while she moved in with some family friends, so she and her older brother were constantly getting into trouble at hogwarts, since that was the only place they really got to see each other. personality wise she's got a big mouth. she likes weird things like slouchy grunge music and collecting stranger's teeth and definitely doesn't seem the type to be a healer, but she worked hard for high marks during school and works even harder now that she's into her training and takes it very seriously. her only slight in school was that she was very (and i mean very) easily persuaded to get into some sort of trouble, especially when her older brother was involved. detentions were pretty common and bored the living hell out of her. she might have seemed a little offputting at first because she doesn't have a filter and she will tell you if she thinks you look stupid or are doing something stupid, but she's just trying to help you out. honestly. and she would be extremely loyal to any friend she has (if she has any. . .. .. ..)

i'm really not feeling this bio i'm working on so i figured i'd just throw her out here and see if anyone could think of anything they might need her for! i could do exes or old hookups of either gender, i would love a best friend for her if anyone can deal with the weirdness, some people that were constantly getting her into trouble? she would've been a pretty shitty tutor because she would've spent the whole time telling you how bad you were but she might have attempted it. fellow future healers would be great, and if you can't think of anything just dropping by to say hi would be cool and i can set you up a custom once i'm added? yeaaaah.
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[14 Oct 2013|09:01am]

i always psych myself out doing these, but would emma stone be wanted around? i'm thinking she'll be a very recent alum (probably slytherin), but other than that i'm fairly up in the air about her career, etc. basically, i'm just feeling things out, so let me know if you need anything!
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[11 Oct 2013|02:35pm]

i haven't written much about this guy yet, but i wanted to ask for some lines in here? So far i have that his name is elliot, and that he is going to be a 12' alum. i was thinking about making him work in the department of mystery.
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[10 Oct 2013|10:22am]

hello one and all. i'm looking to bring this girl in as [info]demitrius' half sister. they're not aware they're related just quite yet, but they do know one another and are at least friendly. or at least as friendly as demitrius can get.

introducing luxana gemma arroyo... or just lux. she's a seventh year, shooting for hufflepuff (though she could go gryffindor as well so we'll see). she's the type of person who just makes you feel comfortable around them without them exactly trying. she's a very patient person who understands that not everyone works in the same ways and thinks you've gotta figure a person out in order to get along with them. she's a people watcher and is constantly trying to figure people out. she's a bit of an old soul as well in the sense that she tends to think far beyond her years and sees the world differently than most of her peers. she's full of energy and life but knows when to reel it back so that it doesn't come across as annoying. she's not afraid to stand up for what she believes in and for what she wants, but isn't the kind of person to go walking around making sure everyone knows what she believes. she keeps her emotions well kept and guarded. andddddddd that's about all i have right now. this is all her stuff and i'll be working on it periodically throughout the day!
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[08 Oct 2013|08:00pm]

i know, i know. a whole month before i inevitably returned to all of you. what can i say? sorters is my home. i will try to make this as short and sweet as possible to avoid clogging up your friends pages with incessant rambling BUT WITHOUT FURTHER ADO this is walter gancourt-bowe, otherwise known as walt (or "WAAAAAAAAAALLLLTTT!!!!!" if you're feeling fancy and/or desperate to find your son), and he's a '13 hufflepuff alum as well as last year's head boy. he has two awesome dads that work as magizoologists specializing in smaller and domestic magical creatures and a mum he rarely speaks to that does research in south america. during his first few years of school, he was quieter/more withdrawn and thus prone to being bullied by his peers. that aspect of his personality has changed drastically, especially over the last year or so, and he's much more outgoing and willing to speak his mind. he's now working at st. mungo's as a healer-in-training with the hopes of joining their potioneering department, though he'll secretly always want to run off and work on a dragon reserve somewhere far away. he's incredibly loyal and giving, to the point where he'd rather see his own friends happy before himself, and he tries to see the best in people possibly to a fault. he loves to draw and paint, and he'll talk your ears off about classical muggle literature if you let him. oh and he may or may not have a penchant for dipping into the bud (see: he frequently smokes the ganj). i'd love to come up with some fun lines with everyone if we didn't have one previously, and if we did, please let me love you through re-exchanged customs and beyonce gifs.
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[08 Oct 2013|12:01am]

alright, now that he's actually in the community and i've gotten everything figured out for him, let's try this again. i'll try to keep it as short as possible, i promise!

this is wolfgang "wolf" cox. he's [info]fawncox's older brother, a 2012 slytherin alum, originally from liverpool, now living in a flat in london with one or more roommates, his owl guinevere, and his german shepherd shakespeare. wolf works for the ministry of magic as an unspeakable trainee in the time division. in school, he was an average student overall but specifically excelled in transfiguration and DADA. wolf was never incredibly social in school. he kept to himself and rarely spoke unless spoken to, preferring mostly to observe the others around him. it wasn't uncommon that he became a sounding board for his friends and family, and the occasional stranger because he happens to be a good listener, though he finds people who are too self-absorbed and ignore the world around them completely annoying. being a particularly quiet person, when he did speak up in school people had a tendency to stop and listen regardless if what he had to say was interesting or not. whether this was because they were interested, or simply shocked that he wasn't a mute is unclear and unimportant. he's incredibly detail oriented and likes to dissect people's behaviors and separate them into varying categories. basically, he likes to get a feel for who he's dealing with and tends to be wary of strangers until he gets to know them a bit more. once he does warm up a bit, you couldn't find a more die hard and loyal friend anywhere in the world. he's extremely passionate about his work and about protecting his friends and family from any and everything that he can.

annnnd...i think that's it! really the only specific things i'd like to figure out for him would be a roommate or two for him to be close to. friends, other ministry employees, and whatever else would be nice but we can always just exchange customs and see if they click organically or not. i'm excited to be here and hope i can have a lot of fun with you all.
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[06 Oct 2013|02:23am]

hello again sorterians! it's been over a year now since i was here. crazy how time flies, isn't it? anyway, i thought i'd reintroduce this guy and see what kind of trouble he can stir up this time around. yes, i pieced this together from past backstoried posts. don't judge me.

this is chester hepburn. he's a seventh year, muggle-born gryffindor. his mother had him when she was a teen who had run away with her boyfriend and, when that relationship didn't end well she went back to her parents who told her either give up the baby or she couldn't move back in. chester was put up for adoption when he was just under a year old, so he's never known his family. he ended up in a group home for a while, then bounced around a few foster homes, but as often happens with muggle-borns, weird stuff started happening around the age of 3 or 4 when he was upset or angry. of course that freaked out the muggles he lived with and when word started to get around about him, he caught the attention of an elderly squib named finley hepburn who ended up adopting chester and was able to explain that he wasn't a freak, he was a wizard and that was perfectly ok. sadly, finley died just a few weeks before the end of term in chester's first year at school and because he had no one to go back to in the muggle community, his best friend's family decided to take him in and they are now his legal guardians.

as far as personality goes, chester is as close to fearless as he could possibly get. he never backs down from a challenge and can't stand for anyone to tell him what he is or isn't capable of doing. he's blunt, intelligent but often too lazy to apply himself, and will go down fighting for his friends, family, or even housemates. he's a big party loving, drinking, smoking, rowdy troublemaker. however, he's not got a mean bone in his body. he's rather immature a lot of the time and pretty much everything's a joke to him. chester's a musician, he plays the drums, and wants to make a career out of music after school. i'm open to anything you can spare for lines: exes, mentors, enemies, friends, that kid he threw spitballs at in class, the girl he cheated on so she pantsed him in the great hall, etc. i'm not picky. basically, he's here for everyone's amusement and to be tortured by one and all. just don't scuff him up too bad!
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[05 Oct 2013|07:14pm]

would ash stymest be wanted here for anything specific? right now he's just a face and a name so anything goes, really. i could even change journals if his last name is an issue. i'd love to work things out.
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[04 Oct 2013|03:16pm]

HELLO ALL and to the thickeys i'm sorry you're seeing two variations of this on your fp! this is marie thickey, yes another one. she's a ravenclaw hopeful (though i think she could go almost anywhere so don't quote me on this) 7th year. she was born in boston, ma, to an american muggle father and a half-blood mother originally from london. her mother wanted the family to move back to london so marie could attend hogwarts as she had, so when marie was ten they packed up and took a flight back but the plane crashed and her parents were both killed. since she didn't have any other family, she was placed into the system but with her magical background, quinn thickey took an interest in her and decided to add her to their ever growing family instead of letting her possibly go from foster home to foster home. they made things official and adopted her shortly after she received her hogwarts letter.

after hearing the news about her parents, she more or less stopped talking. she wasn't a complete mute, as in she'd answer if someone asked her a question but aside from that she wouldn't really engage in any sort of interaction. she kept this up until her third year or so, but even after beginning to speak without being spoken to first she continued to remain rather quiet and skittish around people. this could probably be misinterpreted as her being snobby, so if anyone wants to say they had that sort of reaction to her we can go with that! she replaced people with books when she was little and this is still something she does though not nearly to the extreme that she used to, but she needed some sort of mental stimulation and she loves learning so that seemed like the obvious choice for her. she's not into quidditch and doesn't really enjoy watching it but she'll quietly cheer for her team anyway, and she wants to be a healer so i imagine she hangs out in or around the hospital wing after matches and tries to help pomfrey out with some of the smaller injuries. SO I'M NOT REALLY SURE WHAT I NEED but i want something with all of you! people who tried (and maybe still try?) to get her out of her shell, people she's met by helping them out in the hospital wing so they didn't have to go to pomfrey (this doesn't have to be quidditch exclusive, of course! maybe people that noticed she helps pomfrey out when she can and go to her when they've been in a physical altercation or any other situation where your character needs help but doesn't want to get in trouble...?), anyone she's tutored, awkward relationship type things? she's not really the most affectionate person so those would be awkward at best OR we can just exchange customs and see what happens and work out any kind of back-story later.

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