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ooc megapost! details below! [06 Nov 2013|01:24am]

HELLO BABIES, i'll try to get right to the point but if you've ever dealt with me you know i can get long-winded so i'm sorry already! we've done a few of these posts in the past and they've been pretty successful so i'm hoping we can be just as successful with this one. if you're new or you weren't around for the others, this is just going to be a massive backstoried post where EVERYONE is welcome (and encouraged!) to participate. here and here are examples of how this has gone in the past. i'll be posting a few prompts in the first few comments if you all want to give input and have the opportunity to discuss anything you want with other members so we can get some common ground on any ideas, but if you're shy you're more than welcome to comment [info]sorters drop-box directly instead. no pressure!

any potential newcomers lurking around these parts that want to hop in are also welcome so this isn't exclusive to current members only!

aside from those prompts, the rest of the idea for this post is fairly simple. introduce your character with either a short blurb or a link to your bio/facts or even link any past narrative(s) you've written or update(s) you've made--anything to give insight into your character so we can all get to know one another a little better and open up the possiblity for customs and/or scenes between people you may have never thought you'd had a connection with before. it's also a good place to note whether you prefer interaction via customs only, aim only, or if you're good with either of the two. you can ask for something as simple as the person your character sat next to in potions class and had the misfortune of daily explosions, someone who used to tutor your character when they were a student, the person that consistently tripped your character in the corridors--the sky's the limit! once you've introduced your character (and asked for specifics or even just asked for people to interact with at random, this is all up to you!) feel free to comment around on other people's replies.

since this is going up so late for some of us please feel free to keep using it through tomorrow or however long you'd like!

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