Buffy/Angel Fanworks

For B/A Ship, Fic & Art Fans

Buffy/Angel Fan Creations


September 2nd, 2007

FIC: Nocturnal Landscaping - B/A Fluff - Rated R

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TITLE: Nocturnal Landscaping
AUTHOR: Ducks, [info]theantijoss
E-MAIL: ducksfanfic@gmail.com
DISCLAIMER: *arches an eyebrow at you*
RATING: R for sexual activity.
PAIRING: B/A, duh!
TIMELINE: A post-baking future, where Joss’ issues crush NO ONE’S HAPPINESS!
SYNOPSIS: One thing Angel misses about daytime life is watching things grow and bloom. Buffy decides to do something about that. Then they have sex. In the rain. *G*
DISTRIBUTION: Please ask. Chances are good that I'll say yes. :)
FEEDBACK: That would be awesome, thank you!
DEDICATION: To Lee ([info]southernbangel), who asked for it! And to [info]darkrhiannon, [info]ladymackenzie, [info]tkp, and [info]romanyg for their birthday yesterday! *smooches all around*

Many thanks to [info]ljgould for the beta!

Prompts: rain boots, mention of HGTV, cupcake

"Nocturnal Landscaping”
by Ducks

( Follow the fake cut to the fluff. *G )

August 21st, 2007

New Fic!

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For more about [info]50_elements  and my particular set of prompts, check out the post here. My element is Fire, Pairing B/A.

This also covers 100moods prompt .087 Scared.

TITLE: Should Love and Faith Remain
FANDOM: Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel
AUTHOR: Ducks, [info]theantijoss 
E-MAIL: ducksfanfic@gmail.com
DISCLAIMER: Not mine. Joss' Genius and Asshattery, Fox's money & lawyers. Don't sue.
PROMPT: [info]50_elements  #1 - Doll, 100moods .087 - Scared
WORD COUNT: ~1200 words
RATING: PG-13 for darkish stuff and language.
TIMELINE: Comics continuity, sometime in the near future. You don't need to read the comics to understand what's going on, nor are there any explicit spoilers as yet.
SYNOPSIS: Buffy and Angel try to stay sane -- and alive -- in a supernatural prison.
DISTRIBUTION: Please ask. Chances are good that I'll say yes. :)
AUTHOR'S NOTES: These bits and pieces (I'm calling them "moments") are written for the Insane Journal [info]50_elements  challenge. Eventually, I will weave them together to form a single story, but those who read along will have the fun of piecing things together themselves. Or something. *G*
FEEDBACK: That would be awesome, thank you!
DEDICATION: To [info]thenyxie again, because she always inspires me. Usually to naughtiness of one sort or another.

Title taken from the poem "Views of Life" by Emily Bronte.

And, even, should Love and Faith remain,
(The greatest blessings life can show,)
Amid adversity and pain,
To shine, throughout with cheering glow;

They do not see how cruel Death
Comes on, their loving hearts to part


Moment 1: "Dolls"
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