September 27th, 2019



Characters Added

Character Dropped

Also don't forget to check out this mod post here if you haven't already! Looks like we've got votes on an age plot coming up first, but more ideas and input are always welcome! Stayed tuned for more info!

Hi friends! It's Grace and I'm bringing the butt of all dick jokes into the game. This is Dick Grayson, aka Nightwing.

He's kind of a lovely mess of fun, stress, sad, confident, witty, good boy, all blended into a sack of Dick. ...I told you there'd be jokes.

Anyway. He's coming in from a kind of meh moment in his life where he had to sort of fulfill a destiny but that meant not doing something he really wanted to do but left with the promise they'd do it when he got back. But instead ended up here. So here we are.

As always, hit me up for things. Or I'll hit you up for things.



Hey fellow nerds, it's Mal again. I've decided I needed another character so here we are with our favorite spy, Natasha Romanoff. She's coming fresh off her death on Vormir and she doesn't have a clue about any of the other Nat's that may or may not have been in town. So have fun with all her feels and stuff.

She's figuring out what to do with herself now that the world has been saved and how she is gonna move forward from that with the knowledge that she had to die to make it happen. So like let's do this my good dudes!