April 22nd, 2019



Hello Everyone!

Anne is here with Obi-Wan (your only hope). ;) He's just crashlanded in the lake and will be communicating shortly to figure out where the heck he is now. He comes to Starklandia just after his final fight with Anakin Skywalker, so he's more than a little traumatized and worried about Padme and her kiddos (he doesn't know her fate just yet). You know, good times and all that.

If anyone wants to comfort him or deal with his trauma, lemme know! ;)



Characters added:
+ [info]insomniashero
+ [info]the_high_ground
+ [info]spider_kid
+ [info]witchesroad
+ [info]strngestavenger
+ [info]_constantine_

Also, just a reminder that this month's activity check is due on the 30th! You can find the check here! If you're feeling a little behind in activity, there's a pretty great meet and greet thread here that everyone is invited to play in!




I am so sorry. I've been waiting to do that forever and a day. I know. I'm not funny, and I should feel bad too. I get it. Please forgive me.

I'm Dan, and I'm new here!

Aside from me being an absolute trash human being, I come bearing the best boy of all the boys. I bring you Nyx Ulric from Final Fantasy 15 (Kingsglaive specifically) and he is coming in post movie. He was a soldier, and very special forces like. Though now he's here, he'll be very confused because he remembers being dead, well dying...

Moot point. He's just a good guy who wants to do good things for good reasons and that's it. Selfless good guy things. It's really disgusting, but it'll be fun!

I am excited for being here, and hanging out with all of you fine people. Show me what you got!



Okay guys, I swear I'm gonna slow down with the character posts, but I couldn't resist. Meet Miles Morales! Just another Spider-Man, no big deal (except Miles is the COOL one). He'll be bursting onto the scene shortly, but lemme know if you're interested in hanging out with him. Or just watching him panic. He's only 16 and he's still figuring things out. A LOT of things.