March 22nd, 2019



O. Hai. I bring you two characters you may recognize.

So, this is Captain America. A young Captain America. He's from the mobile game Avenger's Academy and he's arrived just as he and his best friend decided they would go fight hydra and modern day Nazis after the closing of their school. So, hello errybody. Let's have some fun with bb faced Cap.

Also, I bring you Superman ([info]actioncomics) from the Arrowverse/Supergirl. He's taken from his debut episode The Adventures of Supergirl/Last Children of Krypton. He's the Superman you know and love. Maybe a wee bit shorter. He comes from a world where before his cousin decided to become Supergirl, the only other hero he interacted with was Batman. But he tries to stay out of Gotham because Gotham.

So, yes. Hi! Hello. Happy to be here. Lines anyone?