March 13th, 2019



Hey everyone! Just a quick note with some updoots, since we have a lot of new players joining us!

One! We added a few updates to the Rules page. Please give that a read and let us know here, by DM in discord, or in the drop box if you've got any questions or concerns!

Two! There are updated notes here about the partner threads!

Three! Activity checks forever creep closer. Get a good reminder for what they're about and what you need by the end of the month here!

Four! That is all!



Much apologies for being MIA. I had a big project yesterday which kept me offline for the most part, and a resulting migraine sidelined me today. I play to be back in action tomorrow. I have yet to have Sam arrive, so I'm planning to do that. If anyone wants Sam, Diego, or Dresden for anything, let me know! Thanks, Misha