Awoken OOC


August 25th, 2016



Job: Hunted (FILLED)

Groggily, your character comes to, their vision blurred and their head pounding with the after-effects of a heavy night out, or a heavy blow to the head.

The last thing they remember is going to bed, getting ready for the storm to hit the city the next day, but this? This isn’t their bed. Judging by the ruined peaks of skyscrapers jutting over the hedgerows, this is Central Park.

Nobody goes to Central Park, any more.

It quickly becomes clear that your character is in a maze of paths through a small forest in the park, but it’s not behaving like it should. They somehow end up where they started more than once, and they have the feeling of being watched, constantly. They attempt to blow through the sides, only to end up at the beginning again.

Eventually, they find others, and it becomes clear that while none of them remember what happened, they probably share similar circumstances in how they got here, which means they’re connected.

But when one of them is injured, seemingly by the forest itself, it becomes clear that things are taking a turn for the worse, and they have to leave. The problem is, the wild magic running through the park has been heightened by the storm, causing hallucinations, manifesting odd things that shouldn’t exist, and even calling to them, leading them astray. It doesn’t want them to leave – and whomever placed them here is likely stalking them, too.

Overhead, the storm continues to rage. If any of them pass out for any reason, it’ll be right back to square one, and they can’t afford the time. Not if they want to live.

This is envisaged as a plot lasting for two or three threads at the most, and must be set between 08/20 and 08/27. It will need one player to act as a plotrunner, who will develop the story and come up with a thread plan from the synopsis above, as well as monitor activity and keep the story moving.

For Faction: Awoken/DMS
Players needed: 2-4
GM invocation possible: Yes
Rewards for successful completion: 5 points per completed thread, plot completion bonus of 10 points, additional bonus for plotrunner of 10 points for completed plot.
Effects: Outcome will not have an effect on the plot.

Confirmed players:

[info]so_peculiar // Lenaya Bishop // DMS (PLOTRUNNER)
[info]unfashionedsoul // Victor van Rijn // Awoken (drawing manifestation)
[info]caramacmanus // Caradoc MacManus // DMS (Awoken - intangibility)
[info]logancooper // Logan Cooper // DMS (Awoken - haemokinetic constructs)



Job: The First Spark (FILLED)

Intel on the location of the so-called “First Witch” has been hazy up until this point, but now, the DMS has finally nailed concrete information. Reports of someone called “Old Murphy” in the old Financial District have reached the ears of the Department, and between those in the know, they think it’s likely that ‘Murphy’ is actually the one that they are looking for.

In an alarming twist, she seems to be gathering Awoken followers around her. The intel calls it a cult, but DMS leadership is worried that it might be an army. They decide to strike now, and end it before it starts.

But as the agents prepare to swarm the Witch’s territory in a display of overwhelming force, other games are at work in the shadows. The DMS’s brutal treatment of a group of Awoken caught skulking around the subways beneath the station and their rendition to the Black Site, also, may force some Awoken agents to question exactly where their sympathies lie.

Meanwhile, the Awoken themselves are presented with a proposition by the First Witch – join her, and be a part of the next evolution of their species. An attractive offer, but some aren’t quite willing to give up the power they’ve gathered here. The Witch is an apocalyptic option, and some like the world as it is – as such, they may find themselves as strange bedfellows with the DMS.

This is a main plot thread, and can accommodate as many characters that want to be a part of it as necessary - there will be action threads, and non-action threads to cater for those characters, which will be developed after final numbers are in. The rewards for completion are appropriately higher. It will run for a number of threads over the course of several weeks, and sign-ups will be open until 08/28.

This will be run by James, who will delegate plotrunning powers to volunteers involved in each thread.

For Faction: Awoken/DMS
Players needed: As many as would like to play
GM invocation possible: Yes
NPCs: Old Murphy, the Crone of the Shattered Towers/The First Witch (mod-played)
Rewards for successful completion: 10 points per completed thread, plot completion bonus of 15 points, additional bonus for plotrunners of 10 points for the completed story. Particularly well-run parts will also gain bonus perks to be given at the discretion of the mods, which can consist of anything on the rewards list, depending on how efficiently and interestingly the threads are resolved.
Effects: This is a main plot job. The outcome and events will have a major effect on the story, and possibly on individual characters.

Confirmed players:

[info]stoneblood // Benjamin Locke // DMS - (PLOTRUNNER)
[info]enchanting_you // Adalyn Meade // Awoken (enchantment)
[info]heirloomblade // Eugene Graves // DMS (Awoken - gravitakinesis)
[info]lumini // Kieran Winter // Awoken (astral projection)
[info]caramacmanus // Caradoc MacManus // DMS (Awoken - intangibility)
[info]keepinmind // Laila Bishop // Awoken (Telepathy)
[info]so_peculiar // Lenaya Bishop // DMS
[info]unfashionedsoul // Victor van Rijn // Awoken (drawing manifestation)
[info]sanandum // Avery Jones // DMS (Awoken - healing)
[info]logancooper // Logan Cooper // DMS (Awoken - haemokinetic construction)
[info]kissmygrits // Caitlin McDougall // Awoken (lightning)
[info]hackthe // Liliana Salvo // Awoken (technopathy)
[info]soroka // Aleksandr Vershinn // Awoken (shapeshifting)



All that enter here...

...Dante is NOT the way to introduce yourself!

Hi, all! I'm Yuki, and I'm really glad I got accepted into the game to play with you all! I found this game's concept and way of running itself a breath of fresh air from all the Harry Potter crap you see all over insanejournal. I haven't played in a RPG like this for around five years or so, so I'm very rusty. (Please forgive me!) I hope to get to know you all well and we all have pretty good plots together. Forgive me if I lapse into Italian sometimes, because I just moved to Italy permanently and married my boyfriend of almost 15 years. I'm bilingual. Sorry in advance!

I play Kieran Winter, your newest member to the Awoken. She specializes in Astral Projection, and I'm trying to decide if telekinesis or telepathy would work along with it. (But I think I narrowed it down to telekinesis, just because she needs to move somehow while away from her physical body.) She's 27 and discovered her powers around a year ago, if I think about it. (Is this okay?) She's mostly comfortable in her own skin, but with other people, totally wary. She knows full well if someone kills her, her other self will have nowhere to return to. What happens then?

I'd love to have her find a tight set of friends. Nothing too big, but a couple of people that will have her back. Since she does program and work with computers a lot, she's very quiet and more observant than a big talker. However, she loves to listen to people, so she's great at that. A best friend would be great too, if it is genuinely possible in this world.

She also cares about the technology of the city and how to preserve and also update it to fit the needs of both magic users and humans alike. That isn't to say that she wants to help the government with anything like that. In fact, she would probably let herself perish first if the government actually ever captured her and demanded that she used her mind and research to benefit them.

As they say, she has enough knowledge to slip through the cracks that the government left themselves in their technology. (oops.)

I'm glad to meet you all and I can't wait to plot with you all!

(N.B.: I have AIM if it's easier to plot with it. Let me know if you guys want it.)









c'mon guys we need 1-2 more people to join in on this plot. you know you wannnnaaa :D :D :D

plotting ahead! )